College Playing Field (July 2018)
NOTE: No further updates will be made (July 2018). For up to date information please visit the newly created Parish Council web site
Bellway's Construction (Traffic) Management Plan
The Parish Council announced on 20 July that they had received notification that Bellways now have a construction traffic management plan (pdf document) and associated document (pdf document). They have arranged for Bellways to come back and present it at a public meeting on Monday 13 August, 7pm in the Old Grammar School Rooms. For the latest information please visit the newly created Parish Council web site
Bellway Homes Reserved Matters Application
Bellway Homes have submitted amended plans. Associated details can be found at
http://www.eaststaffsbc.gov.uk/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/ApplicationSearch.aspx (Application reference P/2018/00384).
Comments to be submitted by Tuesday 24 July 2018.
Concerned parties are advised to monitor the above site for any further updates.
Bellway Homes Reserved Matters Application
Bellway Homes Reserved Matters application was validated on 2 May 2018. Associated details can be found at
http://www.eaststaffsbc.gov.uk/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/ApplicationSearch.aspx (Application reference P/2018/00384).
The Parish Council discussed it at their monthly meeting held on Monday 14 May. Members of the public argued that the method of disposing of the surface water was unsustainable as the system Bellways are proposing to discharge into cannot cope with the volume of water it is already subjected to (this is evidenced by the manhole at the entrance to Netherfield Grange surcharging and flooding the area in times of heavy rain). Other objections raised was the non provision of a Construction Management Plan and a number of errors in the submitted documentation.
When the outline consent was granted by the Secretary of State, Annex D paragraph 16 required that the Construction Management Plan (CMP) should be broadly in accordance with previously submitted details. This required the construction traffic to only use Forest School Street. The fact Bellways still have not published their CMP is fuelling the rumour they have something to hide. Have Staffs CC Highways approved them using Walford Road/Fairfield Avenue, and if so, why?
Any comments or representations have to be submitted by 5 June 2018.
ESBC Planning website (search here using Application number P/2012/00636 for the original outline application)
Bellways College Field Development Meeting
On Monday 12 March 2018 despite the village flooding and with many concerned residents feeling under the circumstances it better to stay at home, 24 members of the public attended the public meeting, Jane Bucknall, the Parish Council Clerk, took notes on the presentation and the questions which are published here (pdf document). Amongst things discussed was the controversial access arrangements. Having already submitted and had accepted a Construction Management Plan with the outline application that had ruled out the use of Fairfield Avenue many will be somewhat surprised to discover this was mentioned as a possible option being considered. The Parish Council hope to arrange another meeting to discuss this.
Update: Minutes of the Planning Sub-Committee Meeting held on 23 Apil (including notes on the short discussion regarding the Construction Management Plan public meeting for the College Fields site that followed) can be read here (pdf document).
Just a few days before Christmas 2017 the playing fields at the back of the 'Westbury' estate saw fencing being erected - a space that has been used without hindrance for many years. It appears the College is now £8m richer.
College Fields
The Parish Council has received this official notification (pdf document) from Department for Communities and Local Government (dated 10 November 2016) that the Secretary of State has allowed the appeal and has therefore granted outline planning permission for 100 homes on the land we know as College Fields. Further details can be read here.
Further information can be read in the Burton Mail article (22/11/16) - Burton and South Derbyshire College finally wins long-running housing battle - here.
The BM article received the following comment from a Rolleston resident that I imagine reflects the thoughts of many Rollestonians:
"This is a scandalous example of a local authority taking advantage of badly framed legislation. The coalition government's Localism Act 2011, which introduced Neighbourhood Plans (NP), did not foresee how a local authority could blatantly disregard the views of a local community who had produced a NP that they did not like. Rolleston on Dove Parish Council set up a steering group in October 2011 to produce a NP. This NP was independently examined and subject to a few minor modifications was recommended to be put to a referendum of the local community. This report was published in October 2013. The NP did not include the field subject to this decision. The appeal site was the subject of a planning application which was refused in November 2013, this refusal was appealed and the appeal was "called in" for the Rt. Hon Eric Pickles MP SoS for Communities to determine. Mr. Pickles refused the appeal in December 2014, but his decision was challenged and subsequently withdrawn to be reconsidered. ESBC refused to put the Rolleston's NP to a referendum until the appeal was finally determined. The current SoS has now permitted this appeal. Whilst this may seem strange he had no option but to allow the appeal because whilst the NP was on hold ESBC had consulted on and adopted a new Local Plan (LP) which included this site as a Strategic Allocation. For a NP to be adoptable it has to be in "general conformity" with the current LP which Rolleston's was prior to the adoption of the new LP in October 2015. Now if Rolleston's NP includes a section on development it has to include the appeal site instead of, or as well as, the sites already included in the Plan which is totally against the wishes of the community. The government has recognised the flaw in the Localism Act 2011 and now included a time limit of delaying a NP in their Housing and Planning Act 2016. The new maximum permitted delay for sending a NP to referendum is 6 months which is good news for some but unfortunately it has come too late for Rolleston."
College Field High Court Appeal
It was reported in this article 'Chris Young secures the first successful High Court challenge to a neighbourhood plan decision' the Secretary of State has consented to Judgment in the High Court challenge of his refusal of permission for 100 houses. However this does not mean that the College has won planning consent to build on the playing fields, only that the decision of the Secretary of State has been put back and it will be looked at again. There are further details in this Burton Mail article.
Update (September 2015) - The Secretary of State has considered all of the evidence and does not feel that the inquiry needs to be reopened into the College Fields appeal. His decision was expected by 12 November but has been delayed.
The East Staffordshire Local Plan was adopted at Full Council on Thursday 15 October 2015. All details can be found in the latest News and Update section on the examination website.

College Playing Field Development - Legal Challenge
The Burton Mail reported on 27 January that Burton and South Derbyshire College has mounted a legal battle against the decision to refuse plans to build homes on land it owns by a Government minister. Read the full article here.

College Fields Planning Appeal Decision
The Secretary of States decision with regards to the Development of the College Playing Fields is in .... and the planning appeal has been dismissed! Therefore the planning permission has been refused for up to 100 residential units and associated open space with all matters reserved in accordance with application reference P/2012/00636, former College Playing Fields. Merry Christmas everyone!
The Secretary of State’s decision may be challenged by making an application to the High Court within six weeks from the date of notification (15 December 2014). The decision in detail, along with the refusal for costs, can be found on the Planning Inspectorate Portal.
Read the Burton Mail "Rolleston residents celebrate success after refusal of College Fields homes" article here and "Planning minister Brandon Lewis pushes East Staffordshire Borough Council on Rolleston neighbourhood plan" here.

Top Politician Set To Decide Rolleston Planning App
It has been announced that the Secretary of State for communities and local government will now decide the fate of this controversial planning appeal. Andrew Griffiths MP has received written confirmation that Eric Pickles would now have the final say on the College Fields application in Rolleston, after a four-day hearing decided to uphold East Staffordshire Borough Council’s decision to refuse the planning application. Read more in the Burton Mail article (24 March) here.
Update: The Secretary of State will not be in a position to reach a decision on this application by 26 August 2014 as previously notified. However, the case remains under careful consideration and the Secretary of State hopes to be in a position to write again to parties as soon as possible. Read more in the Burton Mail articles 'College fields decision delay leaves Rolleston residents in limbo over village development' and 'Burton and South Derbyshire College faces finance issues over Rolleston plan delay'.
The Burton Mail reported (6 November) residents marking one year delay for neighbourhood plan with cake, as Andrew Griffiths MP calls for action.

College Playing Field
Planning Appeal - Land to the South of Forest School Street, Rolleston
In November 2013 the application was refused on the basis of prematurity in the light of further information brought before ESBC Planning Committee and that the Rolleston on Dove neighbourhood plan at its current stage takes precedence. Subsequently an appeal was made to the Secretary of State against this decision. The appeal letter for P/2012/00636 can be read here (pdf document). The case can be found on the Planning Inspectorate Portal.
The Public Inquiry began on Tuesday 4th March 2014 in the King Edward Room of the Town Hall at 10am and was expected to last for 4 days. The appeal documents are available online on the ESBC website (search using Application number P/2012/00636, then click on this number for further details). The official Site Notice above can be seen here.
The Parish Council appointed both a Planning Consultant and Barrister to defend the appeal.
Update: The Planning Inspector will now take away all of the evidence put forward before and during the Inquiry and reach a decision. It is expected the outcome of the Inquiry will not be known until mid July.
Victory cheers from campaigners as Rolleston college fields plan refused (25-11-2013)
Campaigners fighting the controversial application to build 100 homes are celebrating a landmark victory, after planners voted to turn down the proposals. Burton and South Derbyshire College (BSDC) plans to erect houses on the field of the former Forest of Needwood School were dismissed by councillors who supported claims the development was in direct conflict with the wishes of the community as laid out in the Neighbourhood Development Plan. Councillor Martin Blencowe said he anticipated the developer would appeal against the decision and it would be decided by the planning inspectorate. It has not yet been confirmed whether or not this will be the case. Read the Burton Mail article here.
(Rolleston on Dove Parish Council notice dated 13 November 2013)
"This afternoon at a meeting with ESBC they have confirmed that the College Fields Planning Application is on the Agenda to be considered by the planning applications committee on Monday 25th November, commencing 2pm, Town Hall (there will be no site visit on this occasion). The planning officer will be making a recommendation for a "resolution to permit". The committee have three options, defer, refuse or permit. Once the committee have made the decision, ESBC must inform the Secretary of State of their decision. He will then consider if the application should be called in."
Here is the agenda and officers report. Further information can be found here.

College Fields Planning Application
ESBC were to decide on the application at the meeting held on Monday 21st October but the decision was deferred (see below). The site visit took place at 10.30am and the meeting itself commenced at 2pm in the Coltman VC Room, Town Hall. (Here is the agenda and officers report. Further information can be found here.)
* * * * * *

College Fields plan deferred at the eleventh hour
Rolleston folk fighting an application to build 100 homes on a former school playing field were given a last minute reprieve earlier today, when a decision on the plans was deferred for another month. Read the full Burton Mail article here.
* * * * * *
Calling in of College Fields Planning Application
(Rolleston on Dove Parish Council notice dated 16 October 2013)
"Today the Parish Council have applied to the Secretary of State for the College Fields application to be called in under Section 79 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. This will ensure that the planning decision is made following a full review of all facts including the strong evidence available through the neighbourhood plan created for Rolleston by the people of Rolleston.
Although it has not yet been confirmed that our case has been accepted, we are confident that the application meets the criteria as should the College Fields planning application be permitted it would conflict with National Policies set out in the National Planning Policy Framework and DCLG guidelines. It would also fundamentally undermine confidence in the NHP process and the Localism Act 2011.
The application will still be considered by the ESBC Planning Committee on 21st October who will be urged to defer the decision until the NHD plan has completed it's examination. Should the planning committee choose to ignore this appeal and permit the development, the decision cannot be rubber stamped until the National Planning Policy Casework Unit have considered the case. Ultimately any decision made by the committee could be overruled by the Secretary of State."
Read the Burton Mail article 'Rolleston homes fight taken to secretary of state' here.
College Playing Field Housing - Construction Traffic
It appeared in April 2013 that the College was considering sending all construction traffic for the college field site through Walford Road and Fairfield Avenue (despite their Planning Consultant Peter Diffey at the public meeting leading the audience to believe this access would only ever be used for emergency traffic).
June Update: A new Construction Management Plan was added on 4 June 2013 that makes no reference to Walford Road, only the Westbury estate.
15 August Update: ESBC has decided that more time is needed to consider the transport elements of the college fields planning application, following a meeting with CFAG. Therefore it looks likely the college fields planning application will now be going to the October planning committee.
Information in relation to the planning application for the development of the College Playing Fields can be found using the link below.
(The Amended Transport Assessment dated 23rd April, Page 35 of 354 of the pdf document if you care to search, mentions in a single paragraph their proposals to use Walford Road and Fairfield Avenue for site access).
The P_2012_00636-construction-management-plan Received 04.06.13.pdf document states that except in an emergency all delivery vehicles will access and exit the site via Needwood Avenue, Garrett Square and Forest School Street (the “Construction Traffic Route”).

Outline application for up to 100 residential units and associated open space
with all matters reserved
(Revised description and additional Highways, Flooding and Ecology information)
On 9 November 2012 a revised planning application was submitted for the college playing field. Further documentation was made available to view on the ESBC website (search using Application number P/2012/00636, then click on this number for further details). Due to the lack of dates or any particular order it was far from clear what may have been superseded or is still valid/applicable.
What was certain is this large blot on the landscape will not only effect nearby residents but the increase in traffic, potential impact of flooding, loss of amenities and large scale migration will impact on us all.
Any objections should have been made formally in writing to James Malkin, Planner, ESBC at james.malkin@eaststaffsbc.gov.uk by 30 November.
The Parish Council letter of objection to these revised plans can be read here.
P/2012/00636 - College Playing Fields Planning Application (Land to the South of Forest School Street)
On 8 June 2012 a planning application was submitted for the college field (notification attached). The plans are available to view on ESBC website (search using Application number P/2012/00636, then click on this number for further details).
This proposed large blot on the landscape will not only effect nearby residents but the increase in traffic, potential impact of flooding, loss of amenities and large scale migration will impact on us all.
The development is not a foregone conclusion and it is hoped that the village community made their feelings known. Any objections had to be made formally in writing to James Malkin, Planner, ESBC at james.malkin@eaststaffsbc.gov.uk within 21 days (by 29 June at the latest). We now just have to wait.
Users are encouraged to join the Parish Council facebook page for the latest news. The Burton Mail produced a number of articles that may be of interest: Tutbury plan used as leverage in homes bid, New homes would 'push village to its breaking point' and Sports council to appeal against college homes plan. The presentation made by the College Fields Action Group on Tuesday 12 June can be read here.
A Parish Council Meeting to discuss the planning application for the college playing field was held on Monday 18 June 2012. This was a public meeting and concerned residents were encouraged to attend. (The Parish Council produced a guide on what grounds people can object to on the college application).
Amended College Playing Field Planning Application (July 2012)
The Parish Clerk has made me aware that two amended plans have been added to ESBC website. She believes they now propose to re direct the proposed footpath, thus reducing the amount of Public Open Space being made available. In summary they have removed the path around the southern boundary introduced a 1.4m high wooden fence with brambles to the inside. A wooden stile has been put in at the Southern east corner. I believe that they have done this to meet the security needs of the boundary as raised by Staffordshire Police. Here are the revised Indicative Layout - Housing Mix and Indicative Layout - Schematic plans (both pdf documents). The Parish Council response can be read here.

Villagers out in force to hear 120 homes proposals (April 2012)
On Monday 16 April, Burton and South Derbyshire College along with their planning consultant Peter Diffey, met with villagers at the Craythorne Golf Club to explain their controversial plans to build 120 homes on the playing field. The two hundred plus turnout made their feelings known. (The Burton Mail article about the meeting can be read here).
Documentation on the proposals was in short supply but online copies are now available.
Rolleston Consultation Documentation (provided as a series of links on the College website)
Parish Council letter to Peter Diffey re College Field - 31st January 2012
Interested parties may also wish to visit the Rolleston Parish Council Facebook page and the College website for more details.
It was indicated that a formal planning application is likely to be submitted in May.
Rolleston Parish Council Planning News Update (Feb 2012)
The Parish Council has recently been shown proposals for the development of the college field at the rear of Forest School Street. The proposed application was for 120 new dwellings. At this stage there is no active planning application under consultation, but the Parish Council has voiced various concerns about the proposed development to both the developer and the Chief Executive of Burton College, these concerns include the proposed number of houses, the style of the proposed houses, the lack of public open space within the development and the loss of the Sports Field. We have also suggested that this application when submitted should be refused by ESBC on the grounds of prematurity. The community of Rolleston on Dove is currently preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan which will be completed in the summer of 2012 and in line with the recently enacted Localism Bill. We believe that this plan should determine how much development takes place in the village, what form that development should take, and where it is located.
College Keeping Quiet
In the Burton Mail article "College keeping quiet on its plans for village land" (14 October) a community stalwart calls for the former school sports ground to be brought back into public use. When contacted by the Mail, Burton and South Derbyshire College refused to confirm how much land it still owns in Rolleston and declined to comment on its plans for the site.
Large Scale Housing Development Proposed For Rolleston - September 2011
East Staffordshire Borough Council is required to prepare a plan covering the whole Borough to replace the current adopted Local Plan of 2006. The proposed options might lead to 150 or more houses being built on the College sports field; with 50 houses (Option 3) appearing to be the least. The consultation document can be read (and commented) online and downloaded from here. If you wish to respond by letter, please send your representations by 21st September 2011 to: Planning Policy, East Staffordshire Borough Council, The Maltsters, Wetmore Road, Burton upon Trent DE14 1LS (Fax: 01283 535412), Email: planningpolicy@eaststaffsbc.gov.uk
"The controversial Westbury development completed a natural boundary with the countryside and allowed those properties adjoining the sports field to retain their view and privacy. The proposed development would destroy a natural and well formed boundary, and create an urban salient into the countryside, being prominent and highly visible in the landscape. It would increase noise and traffic to adjoining settlements. It is questionable that it will benefit the local community in terms of truly affordable housing for locals and it will therefore probably just encourage more outward commuting." - Village Webmaster.
The Burton Mail articles House-building demand could swallow swathes of countryside and Campaigners say there is 'no support or consent' for thousands of new homes make further comment.
© This site was created by Richard Bush
Last updated: 21 July 2018