Village news
- New Website
- St Mary’s 6th Advent Festival “The World in Waiting”
- Rolleston Village Country Gala
- Royal British Legion 90th Anniversary Celebration
- Gardens Sunday With Bloomin’ Feet
- Rolleston 3rd Annual Charity Transport Festival & Grand Garage Sale Tour
- Rolleston Carnival
- Annual Village Clean Up
- “Rollestonian of the Year”
- Pancake Races
- Church Christmas Quiz Winner Announced
- Main Grapevine Index
As a self-taught “silver surfer” I am pleased to announce that I now have a web-site. On it can be found a selection of my Rolleston local history research together with some of my family history and extracts from the local history of a small village called Garrigill in Cumbria. At the moment Rollestonians will probably be most interested in the work I have done on the Victorian censuses of Rolleston, the 1838 Tithe Map and Apportionment and the Parish Registers of St. Mary’s, Rolleston. I expect to add to this in due course. The web page can be found at ...... (User later took down the website). Michael V. Wardell |
Burton MP Andrew Griffiths, along with county councillor Bob Fraser and Scout group president, Margaret Smedley, had the difficult task of judging the fancy dress competition. Miniature ponies from the Blue Cross centre helped bring in the crowds and the afternoon was spent enjoying the many activities such as a bouncy castle and circus skills. |
"It was lovely this year to see some new and young helpers come along to help with the clean up, taking pride in keeping the village clean". |
At the Annual Parish Meeting in the Old Grammar School on Monday 18th April the Rolleston Parish Council “Rollestonian of the Year” award was given to John Phillips. Over the last year, the Chairman of RODSEC, has served our village community in a great variety of different ways. The engraved glass trophy was presented by the Parish Council Chairman Councillor Jamie Winstone. <News> |
Church Christmas Quiz Winner Announced
Over 600 people bought quizzes and as usual they seem to have been distributed far and wide. 66 people returned their attempts, 5 tied for top place with 97 points and a further 5 followed with 96 points. The prize winners were selected by draw from those with 97 points. In first place was Mr J Betteridge. |
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Last updated: 17 July 2017