Pictures of St. Mary's Church, Rolleston

The following pictures of St Mary's Church, Rolleston have been kindly provided by the Rector, Ron Webster and Geoff Taylor. (Please click on a picture for a larger version).

cross.jpg (33245 bytes) southdoor.jpg (30309 bytes) ladychapel.jpg (22006 bytes) mosleytomb.jpg (35546 bytes)
Ancient Anglican Cross The South Door The Lady Chapel Mosley Tomb
caldwelltomb.jpg (31323 bytes) aisle.jpg (32068 bytes) altar.jpg (28789 bytes) stmarys.jpg (25977 bytes)
Caldwell Tomb St Mary's Aisle The Altar St Mary's Church

More Pictures

Picture of St Mary's Church, Rolleston © Mr Geoffrey R Hood
 © Mr Geoffrey R Hood LRPS, CPAGB

More pictures by Mr Hood of Rolleston and the surrounding area can be found at the Images of England website. Either search by photographer (ie. H - Hood) or use 'Quick Search' (eg. select County - Staffordshire, District - East Staffordshire, Building type - RELIGIOUS RITUAL AND FUNERARY). 

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© Richard Bush

Last updated: 31 August 2003