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Usual Services At St Mary's
Rector’s Message - Rollestonian (Summer 2018)
St Mary's Church Events - Rollestonian (Summer 2018)
Rector’s Message - Rollestonian (Spring 2018)
St Mary's Church Events - Rollestonian (Spring 2018)
9.30am Morning Worship – sometimes Communion, sometimes not, but always
family friendly.
6.30pm Evening Worship – normally Evensong, occasionally Communion, but always
from the ‘old’ Prayer Book with our choir.
8.00am Once a month on the first Sunday, Communion from the Prayer Book for
those who like their worship a little quieter.
Monday Quiet Time in Church
First Monday 6.30pm every month. An opportunity to spend some peace and
reflection with others in the quiet of our church.
Informal Communion every Thursday 9.30am in the Lady Chapel before the Coffee Morning.
Thursday Coffee Mornings
10am to 11.30am in the Old School Room
Bellringing Practice every Thursday from 7.30pm
Choir Rehearsal most Sundays from 7.30pm
For Christenings at St Mary’s contact Emma at stmarys.rolleston@yahoo.co.uk
For Weddings at St Mary’s contact Ian at revirwhite@aol.com
Monthly Munch in the Old Grammar School Room – Fourth Wednesday’s 12.15pm a two course meal with tea/coffee for £4 No booking required you are welcome to just turn up.
4C’s Craft Group in the Old Grammar School Room – second Wednesday’s 2.30pm all sorts of crafts and abilities welcome to come and share.
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Dear Friends,
On the Internet there is a lot of things that are good, informative and very useful. There is also a good deal of useless, time consuming and degrading out there. There is also the funny stuff, and in our lives, we need laughter and humour especially in these days of uncertainty. Many weeks there is a cartoon of church life on our weekly News in the Pews in St Mary’s Church. On the Internet this week my daughter found the following to give you a wry smile.
We all need to be able to laugh at ourselves at times, sometimes this in the strangest of circumstances and yet the Bible has its share of humour in different places.
The book of Jonah is full of ‘in’ jokes about size and greatness.
The book of Ester has audience participation of boo’s and hiss’s by tradition.
Jesus used humour to teach; a speck of dust in the eye or a log!
A camel through the small city door called the ‘eye of the needle’.
Even at the wedding in Cana of Galilee when Mary his mother asks him to help when the wine runs out uses a curious phrase; ‘My time is not yet come’, or ‘It’s not my wedding day yet, mother!’
Don’t be afraid of laughter or humour; it can heal, it can soften, it can bind us together but used unwisely it can hurt, it can wound, and it can break apart.
Rev Ian Whitehead
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In February we held a very successful Pudding Party, around 40 guests enjoyed a variety of sweets, both hot and cold while being entertained by a food based quiz. The evening was most enjoyable and we are now trying to persuade the organisers to repeat it, possibly with a twist for those who prefer something more savoury! Keep an eye out for posters!
The Grand Garage Sale will be nearly upon us by the time this Rollestonian appears. If you have been spring cleaning this is a great opportunity to put all those treasures that you no longer need to good use. If you don’t want to have your own Garage Sale St Mary’s will have their usual stall in aid of church funds on the Rectory drive. Please take your items to the Rectory during the week before the Sale (after May 21st)
Gardens Sunday on July 8th will be next on the horizon, and as usual I am looking for gardens, new & old, large & small, traditional or modern. This event is one of St Mary’s big fund raisers and I really hope that this year, despite the awful start, that gardens will have recovered as they always do, and people will be willing once again to share them with the many visitors who so enjoy looking round them. Over the past few years we have seen the churchyard decorated on Garden Sunday with Potty Pots, Blooming Feet & Flowerpot People and this year we are inviting everyone to contribute to a “Profusion of Poppies”, real or artificial, any size, just let you creativity come to the fore! Entries should be taken to the churchyard between 11am and 12.30pm on 8th for registration. Any queries, or offers of help gratefully received, just ring Sylvia Martin 813320, many thanks.
As part of the Rolleston Gala on August 27th St Mary’s will be hosting a Craft Fair in the church. For the past few years we have concentrated on people demonstrating their skills and this has proved to be popular. If you have a particular creative hobby that you would be prepared to share we would be delighted to hear from you, just ring 813320 for more information.
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Dear Friends,
As I write this despite the cold frosts the sun is shining, the snowdrops have appeared outside church once more with special thanks to the Rolleston Civic Trust for planting them a few years back. Spring is nearly here with its promise of warmth and longer days. It doesn’t take many cold dark days to make us long for the warmer weather and it doesn’t take many sunny days in winter to give us hope that summer is on its way!
In the church’s year we have just celebrated Candlemas, the pivot point between Christmas and Easter the two great celebrations within the Christian faith.
Candlemas invites to look back to Christmas and the birth of Jesus the Saviour and then forward to Easter and the death and resurrection of the Saviour Jesus. Not too unlike the feelings I referred to at the start of this letter.
Looking back Christmas was a lovely time within the village both celebrations within the church and within the village, at St Mary’s we were privileged to welcome many of you to our services and with RoDSEC to the Carols around the Tree. It demonstrates the wonderful sharing of events and personal throughout our community. If you are at the Club for their special snooker night you might have bene sitting on the staging from St Mary’s Church!
This year together we have many events throughout the village and it is great that this Rollestonian gathers it all together for us. That is the most oft comment I hear from visitors and new members of the community; ‘how busy and active the village is together!’ Our Church features in many of them and is privileged to be a part of so much. This echoes the message of both Christmas and Easter that I began with; Jesus is a part of this worlds story and one he wants to share with us.
I hope that in the coming year we will have shared events, shared stories and shared lives in this our community…that and hopefully warmer weather!
Rev Ian Whitehead
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Firstly a big thank you to everyone who took part in “A Taste of Christmas”, as always this was a splendid opening to the Christmas season and very much enjoyed by our visitors. We feel this is really a “village event” and although raising money for St Mary’s (£2,500 this year) it is the community aspect that is most important.
As part of the next major village event on May 28th we shall again be hosting the “Grand Garage Sale Tour” inviting villagers to hold their own sales, you will find registration forms elsewhere in this Rollestonian. St Mary’s will also be having our own Sale on the Rectory drive,. Refreshments will be served in the Old Grammar School to the visitors who come from far and wide to view the vintage cars & pick up a bargain at the garage sales, as always we very much welcome gifts home-made cakes and offers of help to feed the hungry hordes!
The weather may be cold and dreary, but we can all start to think about summer time and the pleasure our gardens will bring. This year Garden Sunday is July 8th (note change of date to avoid clashing with Tutbury’s Open Gardens). I hope there are some out there who may be persuaded to join this event and open their garden this year. Rolleston has always been known for the variety of gardens to visit, large or small, new or old, traditional or modern, so please if you would like to join in, or just have some more information about what is involved, give Sylvia a ring on 01283 813320. Last year’s Flower Pot People in the churchyard caused quite a stir and this year we hope that a“”Profusion of Poppies” will similarly inspire villagers to take part. Poppies can be in any medium – even grown in pots if you have green fingers!
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Last updated: 19 May 2018