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Usual Services At St Mary's
Rector’s Message - Rollestonian (Winter 2016)
Diary Dates - Rollestonian (Winter 2016)
St Mary's Church Events - Rollestonian (Winter 2016)
The Bells Of Saint Mary's Bell ringer’s winter update
Diary Dates - Rollestonian (Autumn 2016)
Rector’s Message - Rollestonian (Autumn 2016)
St Mary's Events - Rollestonian (Autumn 2016)
The Bells Of Saint Mary's Bell ringer’s autumn update
St Mary's Events - Rollestonian (Summer 2016)
The Bells Of Saint Mary's Bell ringer’s summer update
A Message From The Churchwarden - Rollestonian (Spring 2016)
St Mary's Events - Rollestonian (Spring 2016)
The Bells Of Saint Mary’s
8am Holy Communion [1st Sunday]
9.30am Morning Service [a modern service & family friendly]. Stay & Play crèche
area every week
6.30pm Evening Service [a quieter service using the language of the 17th
Monday Quiet Time in Church
First Monday 6.30pm every month. An opportunity to spend some peace and
reflection with others in the quiet of our church.
Mid-week Communion every Thursday 9.30am A simple service of communion before the Coffee Morning.
Thursday Coffee Mornings
10am to 11.30am in the Old School Room
Bellringing every Thursday from 7.30pm
Choir Practice most Sundays from 7.30pm
Monthly Munch in the Old Grammar School Room – Fourth Wednesday’s 12.15pm a two course meal with tea/coffee for £4 No booking required you are welcome to just turn up.
4C’s Craft Group in the Old Grammar School Room – second Wednesday’s 2.30pm all sorts of crafts and abilities welcome to come and share.
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A recent family celebration of a milestone birthday involving the ending of a number that would win us a Tombola prize [let the reader understand] meant that we could have our usual family treat of a choice of takeaway and DVD.
Being a ‘special birthday’ we went to the better class of takeaway in Tutbury. They greeted us with a cheerful ‘we haven’t seen you for a while’. I explained that they were chosen for special occasions and we usually went somewhere else for routine a ‘Friday – I can’t be bothered’ takeaway. They asked what would make them a more regular choice month by month so that they could still be here for that special occasions?
You probably can work out where this is going because it set me thinking...come the Weddings, Funerals and Christenings the Church is always there for the special occasion. Coming up to Christmas we are packed out as a building for the nativity and carols by candlelight services, but week by week our numbers are falling at church along with the income.
Yes, your church is always there for the special occasion and long may that continue, but long term the church in England may not always be there for you when you want it without something radically changing not just on the odd occasion but month on month. Some commentators, outside of the church, say up to 50% of buildings should be closed especially the rural ones and opened just for the special occasion. Is that something you want to see in Rolleston? Others within the wider church are saying we need to keep the buildings open but the clergy will have to be spread out more thinly and others will have to manage the parish, as we are trying to do now. Others suggest that the way to go is that resources are concentrated in just the cathedrals and the larger churches and people will have to travel into them. Is this a better idea for Rolleston so that in the future your Christmas’ and Weddings et al are all in Burton?
What is to be done? That question is not just for Rolleston but for the whole of the Church in England [and Wales and Scotland and further afield!] It will not be an easy answer but it shouldn’t be left just to outside commentators or church bureaucrats to decide because this will affect your parish church here in your village. So wherever you get your takeaway from, whatever your preferred dish of choice remember that at present you have a choice and that one day you may not have much choice any longer.
So there is still a Happy Christmas to all Rollestonians and remember that A Church is not just for Christmas!
Ian Whitehead, Rector
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Friday 11th 11.00am Armistice Day
2 Minutes Silence at the War Memorial
Sunday 13th November 10.00am Remembrance Parade Service
Sunday 13th November 6.30pm
Annual Bereavement Service
Sunday 27th November 6.30pm
Advent Carol Service as part of the Advent Festival – A Winter’s Tale
Sunday 18th December 9.30am
Christingle Service – The one with the Oranges
Sunday 18th December 6.30pm
Carols by Candlelight
Sat 24th December Christmas Eve
3.00pm THE Nativity Service – Come Dressed for the Season
11.30pm Midnight Christmas Communion
Sun 25th December Christmas Day
8.00am Early Holy Communion
10.00am Family Communion
Sun 1st January 2017 New Years Day
10.00am No Services in Rolleston instead a United Service at 10.00am at Holy
Trinity, Anslow
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The Craft Show in church on Gala Day proved to be very popular. Visitors enjoyed the opportunity to watch articles being made and to purchase a few “one-offs”, as well as trying to learn a new skill.
St Mary’s was transformed for the local history exhibition “Where we live: Mapping the Local Area”, with maps, documents & a model of the village. Some of the children from John of Rolleston and Outwoods schools visited and were kept busy trying to answer all the questions on the sheet prepared by John Phillips. Many of our adult visitors also spent a considerable time marking the changes that had gone on in the village over the period covered. The event raised £459 towards new lighting for the church.
Above is the model of the 18th-19th century village out of its box for the map exhibition. This model was made by Alan Partington and John Underhill for the Millennium celebrations.
Two weeks later the Old Grammar School was the venue for the second Art Exhibition and Sale organised by Karin Kay, Mary Johns & Gwen Spencer. Over 60 paintings were beautifully displayed on boards and walls. This event raised £330 also for new church lighting.
We are very fortunate to have people who are willing to organise such events for St Mary’s and are grateful to them for all their hard work.
Harvest Festival saw the church beautifully decorated and we were able to take many bags of tinned and dried food to the YMCA. Garden produce was sold at the Pop-Up stall outside the Club and raised £100 for the Salvation Army. Many thanks to all those who gave & those who bought.
Finally a reminder of our Advent Festival, Friday – Monday, 25th – 28th November, daily from 1-6pm. The theme is “A Winter’s Tale”, and the church will be decorated with trees and garlands. There will be the usual Craft Stall as well as refreshments in the Old Grammar School. This year we are welcoming “Gem Connection” a Barbers’ Shop group for the opening concert on Friday 25th, at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £7.50 from church or the usual suspects.
Sylvia Martin
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The Bells Of Saint Mary's Bell ringer’s winter update
The bells of St Mary's are in excellent condition thanks to the regular inspections and routine maintenance carried out on the bells by the bell ringers. Villagers will be able to continue to hear the bells sounding out over the village.
The ringing band membership goes from strength to strength with ever increasing numbers joining the practice held on Thursday evenings commencing at 7pm. We have 6 members under the age of 18 years which has greatly reduced the average age of the ringing band. If villagers would like to take a look or even join us, all are welcome
St Marys Advent Festival, to be held over the weekend 25-28 November has the title a "Winter’s Tale". Please look out for our Christmas tree and notice the "tale ends".
The "wedding season" at St Marys is now drawing to an end, so please listen out for the bells being rung on Saturdays (and sometimes on weekdays) for these special occasions.
This year's Remembrance Sunday service is to be held on the morning of Sunday 15 November. The church bells will be rung "half-muffled" prior to the service as your parish council leads the community in the act of remembrance
The memorial ringing for those from the village who gave their lives in the "Great War" during 1916 continues with the bells being rung before the start of the Sunday evening service on 15 November for Corporal Wilfred Arnold and Eric C. Dunnicliffe A.B.; so please listen to the tenor bell ringing 100 times and then a short piece of ringing to follow with the bells "half-muffled".
St Mary's bell ringers are still offering the public the opportunity to have the bells rung for special occasions, and to sponsor particular pieces of ringing, in return for a donation towards the bell fund. Whether for an anniversary or a birthday, in memoriam or in celebration, we can arrange for a ring to peal out in honour of the event. A notification of the ringing will be displayed on the church notice board so that everyone knows the reason for the ringing, and a certificate commemorating the ringing can be issued to the donor. As to donations, this is a personal thing, but payments of around £40 or more would probably be appropriate.(but all offers considered)
To take this opportunity, and to help to ensure that the bells of St. Mary’s continue to sound out across the village, please contact Lee Cooke on 01283 561444, or speak to Ian.
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Sunday 4th September Confirmation Service with Bishop Geoff of
Saturday 10th September Ride & Stride with Open Churches throughout the area
Sunday 18th September Battle of Britain Sunday
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What do we think about the Media? What do we think about half the stuff we have to read day by day? That’s without all the half-seen, half-heard, half-read and ‘just caught a glimpse of’ stuff.
This was brought home to me seeing my name on the front of the Burton Mail... but not my face but that of the face of our Bishop Geoff of Stafford instead! There will be those who will see the article and think “Ian’s aged a bit!” or “Ian’s gone and got himself a new job then...as a Bishop!” Even if the Burton Mail managed a rare slip up with picture and name the rest of the article was fairly balanced and accurate – well nearly!
Being reported on, interviewed for and being the front ‘face’ of the decisions of others is something that all clergy come to terms with eventually. They are asked to be the face of a village tragedy, they are asked to front the big [and small] event as well as be the face of the church. Not all clergy are comfortable with this but I have grown to accept in a limited way being used and abused by the attitudes and demands of others. I would rather be lied to and let down than to become cynical and uncaring.
Where I struggle is being pulled in different ways; leading three very individual churches in three very different parishes has its pressures and moments of bad news. When I took on responsibility for Tutbury in addition to Rolleston & Anslow I naively thought it would be a third extra work...it has turned out to be more like double the workload.
Yet in and through it is all there have been delights and successes alongside the pressures; as there always are in all things. This is the reality of life lived out for all of us in different ways, most however don’t get their names pictured next to that of their boss! Esecially when the headline contains the word ‘Shock’ and ‘Horror’.
Half way now through the year and there have been disappointments but also wonderful news and a promise for the future. So like the good news of the Burton Mail and that Good News of Jesus & our Christian faith; disappointments will always be around but also there will be a promise by God that works to make sure that we can be found truthful in him.
Ian Whitehead, Rector
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The weather was kind to us on Garden Sunday, July 3rd, and visitors enjoyed the variety of open gardens together with excellent entertainment by Local Vocals while taking a refreshment break at the Scout HQ. The event raised nearly £1900 towards the new lighting we are to install in the church next year. Barmy Barrows in the churchyard produced some ingenious entries topped by the “yarn bombed” barrow entered by Doveside W.I.
Craft Show
St Mary’s will be supporting Rolleston Gala on Bank Holiday Monday, 29th August by hosting a Craft Show in the Church. We have a number of local craftspeople who will be showing their skills and in some cases persuading visitors to “have a go”. There will also be “tea & cakes” in the Old Grammar School.
See the separate advertisement for the local history exhibition “Where we live: Mapping the Local Area” which will take place Friday- Monday September 23rd – 26th.
The following weekend sees our Harvest celebrations, commencing with Harvest Supper on Friday September 30th (tickets available from church early September). Harvest Festival service will be Sunday 2nd October, and the Pop-up Stall for sale of harvest produce will be Tuesday 4th October. Gifts of fresh produce for the harvest are sold to raise money for the local Salvation Army and tined or dried goods are donated to the YMCA. Any contributions are welcome at church either at the 9.30am service on the Sunday or on Saturday morning when the church is being decorated.
Finally an invitation to anyone who would like to join in our Advent Festival which will be Friday – Monday 25th – 28th November. The theme is “A Winter’s Tale”, and the church will be decorated with trees and garlands. Village organisations are invited to take part, and we are always pleased to see individuals who are feeling inspired! You are invited to a short meeting in Church on Thursday 8th September at 6.45 pm (earlier time) to see what it is all about and “book your slot”! This year we are welcoming “Gem Connection” a Barbers’ Shop group for the opening concert on Friday 25th.
Sylvia Martin
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The Bells Of Saint Mary's Bell ringer’s autumn update
During the summer St Mary's bell ringers Colin Whieldon, Joe Brooks and Barry Gooding cleaned the bells' steel frame and painted it, this having previously been carried out in 2002. This should last for at least 15 years before the frame will require cleaning and painting again
The "wedding season" at St Marys continues into the autumn, so please listen out for the bells being rung on Saturdays (and sometimes on weekdays) for these special occasions.
The memorial ringing for those from the village who gave their lives in the "Great War" during 1916 commenced with memorial ringing for Lance Corporal Herbert E. Cox who died on 15 July 1916. The next memorial ringing will be for Corporal Arthur Topliss who died on 5 September 1916. During last year the great grandson of Corporal Topliss visited the village and contacted the church. He has a poppy from last year's "field of poppies" held at the Tower of London. During a special service in September the church will take receipt of the poppy and dedicate it to Corporal Topliss; the poppy will be retained in the church. The bells will also be rung in November for Corporal Wilfred Arnold and Eric C. Dunnicliffe A.B. We will ring the bells on the Sunday following that date so please listen to the tenor bell ringing 100 times and then a short piece of ringing to follow with the bells "half-muffled".
Our ringing practices still continue, with ever increasing numbers attending on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm. If villagers would like to take a look or even join us, please do as all are welcome
St Mary's bell ringers are still offering the public the opportunity to have the bells rung for special occasions, and to sponsor particular pieces of ringing, in return for a donation towards the bell fund. Whether for an anniversary or a birthday, in memoriam or in celebration, we can arrange for a ring to peal out in honour of the event. A notification of the ringing will be displayed on the church notice board so that everyone knows the reason for the ringing, and a certificate commemorating the ringing can be issued to the donor. As to donations, this is a personal thing, but payments of around £40 or more would probably be appropriate. (All offers considered though.)
To take this opportunity, and to help to ensure that the bells of St. Mary’s continue to sound out across the village, please contact Lee Cooke on 01283 561444, or speak to Ian.
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The evening with Go Ukulele Crazy at the start of February
proved to be great fun, and the
enthusiasm of Joanna, their leader was very infectious.
The next event was on a much smaller scale, being an evening with the "Abbot" from the cheese and delicatessen stall in Burton Market.
A selection of cheeses and wines were enjoyed in the Old Grammar School, and we hope that he gained some extra customers from the evening. (From 28th April the business the business will have a new venue, a permanent shop facing Burton market place, with longer opening hours & an increased range of goods.) The proceeds from these two events were donated to the appeal to raise funds to provide new lighting inside the church.
The Grand Garage Sale will be running in tandem with Transport Day on 30th May. Application forms to take part are printed elsewhere in Rollestonian or are available from Starbuck's News. If you have any queries, please contact Bunty on 343079.
St Mary's will be having their own stall on the Rectory drive and would be grateful for contributions to this. These may be taken to the Rectory any time during the week running up to Transport Day, but no earlier please, due to storage problems! St Mary's will also be providing teas and cakes in OGSR and offers of help towards this would again be welcome.
On Saturday June 18th we welcome the return of the Derwent singers as part of their weekend tour. Tickets for the concert will be £8 including refreshments available from the Starbuck’s News and the usual suspects.
Gardens Sunday returns this year on July 3rd 1-6pm. There will be the usual wide range of stylesand sizes, but it is not too late to contact me (Sylvia, 813320) if you would like to take part. I am especially looking for gardens towards the top end of Station Road, or near to the Community Orchard.
If you don't feel like opening your garden, please give some thought & see if you could make a "Barmy Barrow." We would like Rollestonians to show their creativity by decorating a wheelbarrow (large or child sized) in a suitably quirky fashion. These barrows will be displayed in the churchyard where they will be voted on to give the "People's Choice". In previous years Blooming Feet and Potty Pots have produced smiles on our visitors faces, let's see what you can come up with this year!
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The Bells Of Saint Mary's Bell ringer’s summer update
This spring/summer the ringers will clean the bells' steel frame and paint it, this having previously been carried out in 2002. This should last for at least 15 years before the frame will require cleaning and painting again.
The "wedding season" at St Marys commences in April, so please listen out for the bells being rung on Saturdays (and sometimes on weekdays) for these special occasions.
This year we will continue our memorial ringing for those from the village who gave their lives in the "Great War". The first memorial ringing will be for Lance Corporal Herbert E. Cox who died on 15 July 1916. We will ring the bells on the Sunday following that date so please listen to the tenor bell ringing 100 times and then a short piece of ringing to follow with the bells "half-muffled". Other memorial ringing will take place in September and November of this year.
I addition, we are planning special ringing on St Georges Day, for the Queen's birthday and on other anniversary dates
Our ringing practices still continue, with ever increasing numbers attending on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm. If villagers would like to take a look or even join us, please as do all are welcome
St Mary's bell ringers are still offering the public the opportunity to have the bells rung for special occasions, and to sponsor particular pieces of ringing, in return for a donation towards the bell fund. Whether for an anniversary or a birthday, in memoriam or in celebration, we can arrange for a ring to peal out in honour of the event. A notification of the ringing will be displayed on the church notice board so that everyone knows the reason for the ringing, and a certificate commemorating the ringing can be issued to the donor. As to donations, this is a personal thing, but payments of around £40 or more would probably be appropriate. (All offers considered though.)
To take this opportunity, and to help to ensure that the bells of St. Mary’s continue to sound out across the village, please contact Lee Cooke on 01283 561444, or speak to Ian.
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A Message From The Churchwarden
Happy New Year to you!
The turn of the calendar page often prompts some self evaluation after the end-of-year dive into gluttony with all the festive feasting. So now is the time that many people sign up to the smartest gym in town, or buy a pair of the latest hi- tech go-faster running shoes, or rub off the rust from the old bicycle in the shed. And of course, have to wear the most fashionable designer day-glo lycra kit.
And with that might come a sense of pride as the gym mirror reveals a sweat-soaked T shirt, or the mud-caked trainers in the hall tell the tale of battling through puddles and rain. What fortitude, what devotion, what an athlete! But then the mirror shows a guy over there with massive pecs to flex, and abs to grab; another runner speeds past your gentle but exhausting jog-trot, and a cyclist flashes into the distance. (And really ought to get a speeding ticket at that pace!) All sooo enviable!
And little creeping thoughts of anger, and you hope they get trapped by the barbells, or soaked by a passing motorist splashing in a puddle. Hahaha! Serves them right, you might be thinking. Just too much to compete with.
If by now you haven’t given up all hope of a beach body perfect, somehow it all starts to get a bit too much effort to go out and worship at the temple of the glorious physique... It’s dark out there; it’s cold, the next episode of War & Peace is on.... and sloth slumps back onto the sofa.
Did you spot the deadly sins? And the seventh? Stop lusting after that lush gym instructor!
As well as the outside of your body, the inside might need some attention too. Could your spiritual health need a New Year overhaul? You could do a lot worse than popping into your local Church, and give it a try. We’re open every Sunday, and other times too! We’d love to see you!
Best wishes for 2016.
Cherry Burston.
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First of all I would like to thank everyone who helped to make this year's “Literary Christmas” Advent Festival such a success. The theme inspired a great variety of interpretations giving our visitors much pause for thought! The opening concert by Beatus was, as always, a delight. The 4Cs stall together with refreshments in the Old Grammar School made that a welcome haven from the rain outside. The event raised £2,500 for church funds.
January 22nd saw the return of Afrique Classique who provided an excellent evening of entertainment. The programme was very varied and well received and money from this will go toward the fund for new lighting in the church, removing the need for a spotlight gaffer taped to one of the pillars!
Our next event will be “Go Ukulele Crazy” on Friday 19th February, tickets (£7 including wine &canapés) are available from Starbuck's, Church or Sylvia (813320). This should be a really fun evening and again profit will go towards the new lighting.
On Friday March 4th we are welcoming the "Abbot' from the delicatessen stall in Burton Market for an evening of local cheeses and wine, in the Old Grammar School.
As usual we are running the Grand Garage Sale Tour in conjunction with the Charity Transport Day on May 30th, entry forms will be available in the next Rollestonian or from Starbucks nearer the date.
Due to parking problems along Station Road last year we are making the "central venue ", (for those who feel their house is too far off bus route) the churchyard behind St Mary's. One of the ways that Transport Day raises money for local charities is through the raffle and it would be appreciated if participants did not detract from this with similar activities. If there are any queries, please ring Bunty on 343079.
Gardens Sunday returns this year on July 3rd and we would love to hear from anyone who would like to open their garden. If you enjoy gardening, this is a great opportunity to share your enthusiasm with visitors, it doesn't matter if it is small or large, a "work in progress", or well established, the greater the variety he better! Please think whether you could take part, it really is most enjoyable, you meet some lovely people and help St Mary's raise money for the upkeep of the church. If you are interested, or know of someone who you think may just need a little push(!),give me a ring on 81332 - this does mean YOU!
A reminder that the "Monthly Munches" continue on 4th Wednesday of each month at 12.15pm in the Old Grammar School. A two course lunch with tea or coffee for £4 awaits you, no need to book, simply turn up.
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The Bells Of Saint Mary’s - repairs update and thank you
The St Mary's church bell ringers would like to say a big thank you to: all the organisations in the village; the Parish Council for its donation; St Mary's PCC; North Staffordshire Association of Change Ringers for its donation; villagers and past villagers who sponsored special bell ringing, and donations from many. The monies raised enabled the bell repair works to be carried out last November.
The bells were taken out of use after the Sunday evensong ringing on 22nd November and put back in use for the Thursday evening ringing practice on 26th November. The work on the bells was carried out by a "bell hanger" employed by John Taylor Bell Foundry of Loughborough assisted by ringers Colin Whieldon and Barry Gooding. The changing of the bell bearings was very difficult due to the restricted access around the bells and the fact that it was the first time this work had been carried out since the bells were re hung by Taylors in 1928
During the bearing replacement work a problem with the No 2 bell was identified, this being a loose bearing shaft that could have failed at any time resulting in probable consequential damage to bells and bell frame. The bell was lifted out of the frame, its head gear removed and transported to the bell foundry at Loughborough for repair work and machining. The work at Loughborough was completed on the Wednesday evening and the bell headstock returned to St Mary's early Thursday morning for refitting. All repair work was completed late Thursday morning. The bells were adjusted and tested to the satisfaction of the bell hanger by lunchtime and left available for ringing. The very difficult and physical work was completed in the 4 days allocated for the task. Ringers have noticed how the characters of the bells have altered as a result of the bell bearing changes; they are easier to ring and are quite "flighty".
On Saturday 28th November a special piece of ringing was completed by members of the North Staffordshire Association of Change Ringers, including 2 ringing members of St Mary's, to mark the completion of the works.
All work recommended by Taylors as a result of their survey in 2012 has been completed. The final task is to clean the bells' steel frame and paint it, this having previously been carried out in 2002. This work will be undertaken by the bell ringers themselves in the spring of 2016.
St Mary's bell ringers are still offering the public the opportunity to have the bells rung for special occasions, and to sponsor particular pieces of ringing, in return for a donation towards the bell fund. Whether for an anniversary or a birthday, in memoriam or in celebration, we can arrange for a ring to peal out in honour of the event. A notification of the ringing will be displayed on the church notice board so that everyone knows the reason for the ringing, and a certificate commemorating the ringing can be issued to the donor. As to donations, this is a personal thing, but payments of around £30 or more would probably be appropriate. (All offers considered though.)
To take this opportunity, and to help to ensure that the bells of St. Mary’s continue to sound out across the village, please contact Lee Cooke on 01283 561444, or speak to Ian.
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Last updated: 12 November 2016