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Usual Services At St Mary's
Pastoral Message - Rollestonian (Winter 2014)
St Mary’s Events - Rollestonian (Winter 2014)
Rector’s Message - Rollestonian (Autumn 2014)
St Mary’s Events - Rollestonian (Autumn 2014)
St Mary’s Events - Rollestonian (Summer 2014)
Lent Services - Rollestonian (Spring 2014)
Churchwarden’s Message - Rollestonian (Spring 2014)
St Mary’s Events - Rollestonian (Spring 2014)
First Sunday in the Month 8 am Holy Communion - the traditional version from the Prayer Book like they did back in 1662.
Every Sunday at 9.30 am there is either a Communion or a Morning Service depending on the week and what else is happening in the month. All with Hymns and a side order of a Sermon.
Every Sunday at 6.30 pm a traditional Evensong where the Choir sing the difficult bits or once a month there is a Communion where we all share Bread & Wine. These services come with Hymns, an Anthem and a Sermon as standard.
Midweek there’s a simpler communion service at 9.30am on Thursdays before the Coffee Morning. A chance to pray with one another and receive prayer all within half an hour.
Once a month on the first Monday at 6.30pm there is a short time of meditation [1/2 hr] and silence to stop for a time and reflect within the quiet of our 900 year old church.
Every weekday the church is open from 9am to 4pm. That’s it. It’s open. It’s there for you.
Once a month at a different church in our ART [Anslow, Rolleston, Tutbury] Churches there is an evening where we find out a bit more about what is happening in each other’s places, catch up with one another, worship together and simply be with our God together.
All these are set as standard for St Mary’s Rolleston. Not all churches are the same [most aren’t] so if you want to be part of any of the above simply turn up. You won’t be on your own, there’s always someone else around, you are bound to know at least one other person there from the village.
It is your church, why not use it?
Mid-week Thursday Communion 9.30am
Thursday Coffee Mornings 10am to 11.30am in the Old School Room
Bell ringing every Thursday from 7.30pm
Choir Practice most Sundays from 7.30pm
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This month Rev Alan Wheale is sharing his thoughts with us.
Dear friends,
November is the Month of Remembrance when we remember with thanksgiving those who have gone before us on the great journey that begins at birth and ends with God. So during this month we remember on the 1st ‘All the Saints’; on the 2nd, ‘All the Faithful Departed’; and on Remembrance Sunday, which this year is on the 9th, those who laid down their lives in time of war.
This year is particularly poignant, for as we know it is the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War, and the 75th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War.
As we remember those who have gone before us, we are reminded of their faithfulness and self-sacrifice. It seems that such virtues are regarded by many in our society as being “old fashioned”. But the Month of Remembrance affirms again that faithfulness and self-sacrifice are as relevant now as they ever were.
Therefore, as we remember the saints and the Faithful Departed we give thanks that only because of their faithfulness and self-sacrifice does the Church continue to be militant today; and only because of the faithfulness and self-sacrifice of those who laid down their lives in war can we today enjoy peace and freedom.
But our remembrance should not end with thanksgiving- rather we should be inspired to make those virtues of faithfulness and self-sacrifice our own as we sing that moving hymn, ‘O valiant hearts...’
These were his servants, in his steps they trod.
Following through death the martyred Son of God;
Victor He rose; victorious too shall rise
They, who have drunk his cup of sacrifice.’
With love and prayers
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Around 500 visitors enjoyed the “Airing of Quilts” in September, when the church was transformed with many bed covers, wall hangings and other pieces of textile art. Refreshments in the Old Grammar School were popular as were the stalls selling all manner of materials for quilting. One of the delights of the weekend was the knitted quilt decorated with crochet flowers made and donated to the raffle by the 4Cs. Overall around £1600 was raised for church funds and grateful thanks were extended to the organisers, Ruth and Sheila.
Only about two weeks later it was Harvest Time and the church was decorated beautifully with flowers and produce. Gifts of dried goods were taken to the YMCA for the food bank, and fresh produce, including flowers were sold on the Pop-up stall outside the Club with proceeds going to the Salvation Army. Later in the week Harvest Supper together with a quiz was enjoyed in the Old Grammar School, again raising money for the church.
The next event will be “Glad Tidings”, our 9th Advent Festival running this year from Friday November 28th to Monday December 1st between 1 & 6 pm daily.
The opening concert will be by “Local Vocals” and tickets (£5) will be on sale shortly from Starbuck’s, or the usual suspects from church. Refreshments and 4Cs stall will be in the Old Grammar School and there will be the opportunity over the weekend to view and purchase paintings of the village generously donated by John Underhill.
Many thanks to everyone who has supported our events over the past year, especially to all who have helped in any way.
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This year the second half of the year has arrive all too quickly. It seems the year is speeding past with all the events we have seen and been part of in the village. Even the swans have come down off the lake and into the village for the summer – but that is a different story all together. The second half of our year is usually quieter and less hectic and yet it never feels long until the Gala arrives and then Harvest and then Remembrance and so on until it suddenly it’s much colder and Christmas is upon us- again! And so another year rolls past and life continues in its journey.
This year at Church we have taken a number of our member’s funerals and I have been involved in your family services also. Life and death continues as it always has done. This year begins four years of acts of commemoration for the Great War, each milestone to be remembered. It is hoped that those individuals who were lost from our village will be commemorated with a Half-muffled Quarter Peal of Bells on the day of their deaths.
There are those who say that Remembrance Day and Sunday should be enough, but I disagree. Those two events remember the loss to the village of our individuals but these four years of commemoration remember international events and by commemorating them we do not seek to glorify them but instead keep them in our memory for a purpose. We keep the memory alive of those whom we have loved and lost because of their importance to us. We keep the memory alive of these four years of events to remind us of not just loss but also the gain of peace. We tell another generation to remember, so that it might not be repeated, but also to remember that the only thing that lets evil triumph is for people to stand by and do nothing.
Ian Whitehead, Rector
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The weather was good to us on Garden Sunday, and more than 300 visitors enjoyed the afternoon; visiting gardens, listening to “Local Vocals”, looking at the weaving and beading on display or voting for the Potty Pots, as well as enjoying refreshments at Rolleston Club. The afternoon raised over £2,100 for St Mary’s church and we are very grateful to all who participated in any way.
There will be no Garden Sunday next year as we are to hold a Flower Festival, Friday 10th – Monday 13th July 2015
The next event on the horizon is the “AIRING OF QUILTS” to take place on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th September. This is being organised by two very keen local quilters and has generated much interest from quilters both local and not so local. Bed covers and other items will be on display in the church and there will be a demonstration of “how to do it”, so if you are new to the hobby, thinking of taking it up, or just interested in seeing some excellent work, do come along. There will be the opportunity to add to your stash of fabric (or start one!) and, of course, refreshments will be available in the Old Grammar School. The exhibition will be open 10am – 4pm on Saturday and 11am – 4pm on Sunday and there is a suggested donation of £2 for entry.
As in the past two years fresh produce from our HARVEST FESTIVAL will be sold on a “POP-UP” STALL outside Rolleston Club and money raised will go to the Salvation Army. This year the stall will be on Tuesday 30th September - keep a look out for reminder notices.
ADVENT FESTIVAL this year has the theme “GLAD TIDINGS” and village organisations have been invited to a meeting on Wednesday September 10th, 7pm in church to discuss arrangements, individuals who would like to decorate a tree or create garland are also invited. If you are interested in finding out more, please ring Sylvia Martin on 813320 or just come along to the meeting. The Festival will run from Friday November 28th to Monday December 1st and there will be an opening concert by “Local Vocals”.
Finally a reminder of the “MONTHLY MUNCHES” on 4th Wednesday of each month at 12.15 in the Old Grammar School, (next dates are Sept 24th, Oct 22nd & Nov 26th) No need to book, just turn up for a two course lunch for £4.
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St Mary’s has taken part in Love Rolleston weekend offering visitors a chance to try their hand at brass rubbing, rag rugging and a host of other crafts, as well as providing refreshments in the Old Grammar School on two days. Thanks to all helpers and to those who took part in the annual Great Garage Sale Tour.
The next event to take place in the church will be the Mid-Summer concert given jointly by Beatus and Rolleston Choral Society on Saturday June 21st in aid of Rolleston Almshouses Renovation Appeal.
Then comes Garden Sunday, July 13th this year taking place between 1 & 6pm. There are a variety of gardens to visit, and it’s not too late to offer to open if you have had a late flowering! There are no scarecrows this year, instead we hope to have a good display of “Potty Pots” in the churchyard. We are asking Rollestonians to plant up a container, the weirder the better, and bring it along to church on 13th between 11 am & 12noon. There are no entry forms, but contributions will receive a number at the lychgate, and judging will be by popular vote, please try to take part so that we can produce an amazing display for our visitors.
Just a reminder of the “Airing of Quilts” being arranged by “Sew and Sew” for September 13/14th, this should be an event well worth visiting, not only to see the quilts and other items, but also to visit the stalls selling material etc., not to mention the usual excellent refreshments!
Monthly Munches continue on 4th Wednesday of the month at 12.15pm. These are excellent value, providing a light two course meal for £4 and good company as well.
If anyone has a brilliant idea for other fundraising we would be very pleased to hear from you, just let Ian or Sylvia (813320) know, many thanks.
Sylvia Martin
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Ash Wednesday, 5th March: Communion and Ashing at Tutbury 7.00 pm
Thursday evening services during Lent at various Churches: see noticeboard for
Maundy Thursday, 17th April: communion at Anslow 7.00 pm
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Even if you are not part of our Church community, you will probably know that there have been changes afoot in the local area. Our Rector, Ian, now has responsibilities in the three parishes of Anslow, Rolleston and Tutbury, often shortened to ART. So don’t think we’ve suddenly gone all Tate Modern – it’s not that kind of ART.
For the general operation of the Church, you shouldn’t notice too much disruption, but maybe some different faces. Sadly, Ian still only has 24 hours in each day (not even he can change that) but he will be shared three ways, so we in Rolleston will inevitably see less of his ministry. However, it is not all doom and gloom, as we have the most brilliant team working behind him. The Sunday “staff” includes additional ministers and lay readers to lead worship; sidespersons to meet, greet and keep order; an organist and choir to fill the Church with heavenly sounds.
And then there is a whole host of people behind the scenes who quietly perform a myriad of tasks without which the Church could not function. They collect the money and bank it; arrange flowers; keep the Church shiny and clean; mow the grass; open & lock up; light the candles; wash & iron the linen; ring the bells; run fundraising events; brew the weekly coffee; make pastoral visits; maintain the Grammar School and let it; edit & print the Parish Magazine and the weekly newsletter, and more and more, not forgetting the PCC team. I’ve probably missed out many things which just magically happen, because we have that excellent modest team, so please accept my apologies for what I’ve omitted.
We should all be very thankful for these devoted individuals listed here or not, for without them, there would not be a living Church in our village. It would just be a picturesque crumbling shell.
So ART it is, and whilst there will need to be some creativity to adapt to inevitable changes, it’s a case of “normal services will continue”. Long may that be so.
Cherry Burston.
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St Mary’s Events & Fundraising
Our “Great Expectations” were certainly fulfilled during the Advent Festival last year, the interior of the church was filled with decorated trees, mobiles and lighting displays. In addition to our adult visitors it was a delight to welcome the children from John of Rolleston School with their teachers as well as visits from Pre-school and Kindergarten. The Old Grammar School, the venue for refreshments and 4Cs craft stall was as always well patronised, and the opening concert by Beatus a big success. Thank you to everyone who took part in any way. This annual event has turned into one of the big fundraisers for St Mary’s and we do appreciate the input from so many organisations and individuals.
“Love Rolleston” will soon be upon us and with it the “Grand Garage Sale Tour”, a good opportunity to have a spring clean and make a bit of money in the process! Registration forms can be found in the supplement delivered with this Rollestonian.
Next, of course, we are turning our minds to Gardens Sunday – July 13th. I would love to hear from anyone who would consider opening their garden, big or small, new or established we need you all! Please ring 813320 for more information - if you talk to anyone who has opened before they will all tell you what fun it is & what nice people you meet! Don’t have a garden? The scarecrows are having a rest this year, instead we are inviting Rollestonians to plant up a “Potty Pot”. What sort of container could you fill with plants to display in the church yard – teapot, bucket, cup and saucer, wheelbarrow, shoe, sock, bath? It will soon be time to start planting for summer, please think how creative you could be & help to produce a unique display of gardening talent!
For the future St Mary’s are hosting an “Airing of Quilts” over the weekend September 13/14th. If you are a quilter/patchworker and would like to be involved please contact Sheila Lord 813877 or Ruth Aitken 814072 for more information.
In addition to the above special events, have you been to one of the regular “Monthly Munches”? These are held on 4th Wednesday of every month, in the Old Grammar School at 12.30pm and all are welcome to come along for a delicious two course lunch with good company for only £4.
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Last updated: 9 March 2015