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Regular Services At St Mary's
St Mary’s South Wall Restoration
Did You Miss Us? Rollestonian (Winter 2012)
Christmas Services
St Mary’s Events
Rector’s Message - Rollestonian (Autumn 2012)
St Mary’s Events
Rector’s Message - Rollestonian (Summer 2012)
South Wall Restoration
St Mary’s Fund Raising
Rector’s Message - Rollestonian (Spring 2012)
Access Ramp
St Mary’s Events
Sunday Services
8.00am | Holy Communion [1st Sunday] |
9.30am | Morning Service [a modern service & family friendly] with Stay & Play crèche area every week |
6.30pm | Evening Service [a quieter service using the language of the 17th century] |
SundayKidz Club meet the 3rd Sunday during school term times in church before going out for their own activities.
Thursday Coffee Mornings 10am to 11.30am in the Old School Room
Bellringing every Thursday from 7.30pm
Choir Practice most Sundays from 7.30pm
Weddings for 2012 - there are still available dates and 2011 prices are held for 2012. Avoid the big increase in fees from 2013 onwards.
Baptisms cost nothing but there are limited dates and times available for the latter half of 2012. These times are important to you and the church so we only take one family per service.
Funerals can rarely be planned for but if you would like to discuss your thoughts and ideas we can do that. The Rector would be happy to help you make some plans even without a date in mind.
For any of these please contact the on 01283 810151
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The installation of this replacement roundel on the wall of the south porch marks the completion of this project.
Although the work is finished, payment is not! St Mary’s still needs funds to complete payment and to replenish other money boxes that it had to raid to get this work done.
St Mary’s Churchwarden’s notebooks record -
“7th May 1857. A Marble Slab or Scroll was erected above the Door leading into the South Porch of the Church to the Memory of Oswald Mosley Esqr. who died on the 25th September 1856. This monument was executed by Mr. Hall the eminent Sculptor of Derby.”
This Oswald was the eldest son of Sir Oswald Mosley, 2nd Baronet and his early death led to Sir Tonman Mosley, the second son, inheriting the estate and baronetcy.
The earliest photographs show the scroll, carved in high relief, badly eroded, but clearly representing the Mosley arms.
At some stage, probably in the late 19th century, the porch was divided into two unequal parts, and it has been suggested that the western portion (“the Lobby”) was used by the Mosley ladies as a more discreet place to use their borderloos. In 1962, the “lobby” was refloored with removable boards on mild steel angles. In November 2001, Ann and Arnold Burston cleared out the rusting mowers and accumulated rubbish to find that the boarded floor had rotted away at one end to reveal a rectangular hole about 8 feet deep. Before Jeremy Marshall replaced the boards, Rev. Ian Whitehead, Tom and Sylvia Martin and Ann and Arnold Burston went down a ladder to examine it. Facing them was the bricked up entrance to the Mosley vault in the wall of which are four slate slabs listing details of the thirteen Mosleys who are buried there. With a slight push, accompanied by a ghostly creak, Ann opened a rotting wooden door which blocked the south end, but was disappointed to found that the large brick vault revealed by her torch was completely empty.
An appeal was launched in 1967 to restore the porch at an estimated coat of £1,000, but the money had to be spent on emergency repairs to the tower. Forty-five years later the porch and the old oak door have been restored and the scroll replaced at a somewhat higher cost.
Arnold Burston
By now you will all be aware that after our three months off we are back. It
has been a real privilege to have been able to take this time off and with
financial help we were able to do some wonderful things. We have travelled a
bit, we have done some DIY, I got time in on my woodturning lathe and we were
able to drink lots of good coffee with friends. I also was required to undertake
some study. “Study?” someone asked, “I thought you knew it all!” Well of course
I don’t know everything and I particularly wanted to do some study on
Christenings. In particular how we do them here in Rolleston, how it compares to
other churches and if we can do them better. Out of that I hope that a DVD for
use in groups and families will be produced that’ll help us and other churches
in our connections through Christenings. One of the things I found that although
the Church calls the service Holy Baptism everyone else still calls it by its
old nick-name of a Christening. I wanted to ask the question ‘Why don’t we use
the language that everyone else uses?’ Any more thoughts on that out there?
Looking to the future it is great to be back in Rolleston and a realisation that
I am more than happy to stay here a lot longer. I was warned that time off
sometimes gave Vicars itchy feet! That hasn’t happened to me – although there
was an attractive job in Tenerife for a Vicar who liked the Sun, could drive on
the wrong side of the road and could speak Spanish. Two out of three wasn’t
While we were away the church was well looked after by some many people in the church and especially by Rev Tony Wood with other vicarious clergy taking the services. We are indebted to them all. Also all the scaffolding came down from around the church and it looks like all the work on the walls has been completed. I have yet to find out if we have managed to raise all the money for it but I must mention the Civic Trust and their fabulous Barn Dance at the scouts HQ which raised for the walls a fantastic £2,000. Thank you all. Unfortunately we weren’t able to be there for it but we thought of you as we visited Paris.
Now, with our return, the routine of church and village life continues and I look forward to catching up with many of you in time. May we all have an Adventurous Advent, a Cracking Christmas and a New Year together.
Ian Whitehead, Rector
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Sunday 2nd December Advent Carol Service at 6.30pm as part of the Advent Festival
Sunday 23rd December 9.30am Christingle with an opportunity to make your own
6.30pm Carols by Candlelight in St Mary’s
Christmas Eve 3pm Nativity Service come along dressed as always to surprise
and inspire us for Christmas.
11.30pm Our Christmas Midnight Communion
Christmas Day 8.00am and 10.00am Communion to celebrate the birth of Jesus
Sunday 30th December 6.30pm An End of Year Service to say goodbye to 2012 and to look forward to 2013
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Any supplies of old 2 – 2.5 inch thick hand-made bricks for repairs to the listed graveyard wall on Church Road. Please contact the Rector.
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Since the last Rollestonian we have hosted a concert by accordionist, Karen Street to raise money for Alzheimer’s Research. Karen’s reputation and local connections ensured a full church and £619 raised for the charity.
Another innovation this year was our “Pop-up Harvest Stall” outside the Club. Produce from Harvest Festival was sold in aid of the Salvation Army and we were able to raise £150 for them. The project was well supported and although we were asked by one customer if it would be repeated the next week (no!), but we shall be there next Harvest.
The second Valuation Day with Vanessa Savage from Hanson’s Auction House raised a further £150 for church funds, thank you to everyone who supported this event.
By the time this Rollestonian is distributed the Advent Festival will be over, and I would like to thank all those who have taken part so willingly. Many visitors from outside Rolleston comment on the community spirit that we have here and without that spirit such events could not take place, so thanks again.
Please keep a lookout for posters advertising an unusual educational event on January 18th 2013. Educational? – Well do you know which beer you should be drinking with your cheese or chocolate? This should prove to be an interesting experience so look out for details of tickets.
Early days yet, but next year’s Garden Sunday with Scarecrows will be July 7th mark it in your diaries now – I shall be on the prowl again for new gardens.
Sylvia Martin
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By the time this Rollestonian goes to print it will nearly be time to go off on my travels. That is unless we get hit by a car again…. So what’s it about this time?
Sabbatical, Study Leave Or Rectors Retreat?
All clergy are allowed three months every seven years to take time out for study, rest and relaxation and time to take stock of life, mission & ministry. A sabbatical is time off with God and that is what I plan to get from our Sabbatical, a time given over to God away from Parish Duties. That’s the first step.
During these three months Chris will be taking time out with a Clergy Spouses Retreat and for us both a silent retreat. No talking to each other for a few days!
The bike ride planned for last year will not be happening this year as I still can’t ride properly after the accident with pressure on my neck making me feel unsafe on the bike.
I will still be taking a Retreat with the Whitby Nuns at the Sneaton Priory at the end of the ‘Study’ bit of the three months in order to write it up. I am required to undertake some study, which then I have to present in the form of report. I will be looking at Christenings or Baptisms in the Church and this report will not only go to our Bishop but also to the Archbishops Council.
In the middle of all this, all being well, we will enjoy an extended family holiday abroad a warm break just when the weather will improve here.
This will obviously mean that I will not be available for the three months of August to October. The church services will be looked after by the Church Warden and by local clergy but, just because I will not be around, doesn’t mean that the church won’t still be there as usual!
I am grateful to the Lichfield Diocese for allowing me this time and also to the wonderfully supporting church family for their help. I hope that this time I can come back and tell you all about it in the Spring Rollestonian rather than fill you in on accident details as of last year.
Ian Whitehead, Rector
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Looking back, this year has already proved a busy one, for St Mary’s as well as the whole village. “Jubilation” saw the church filled with celebration banners thanks to the imagination and skill of so many village organisations and individuals. The banners enhanced both the Rolleston Choral Society’s concert and the more informal concert & picnic held on the following day, and it was good to be able to play such a central role in the celebrations. The Grand Garage Sale Tour on Monday was again very successful with many bargains exchanging hands, while the “Tea Rooms” proved even more popular than usual, many thanks to all who helped in any way. In all the weekend raised nearly £2,000 for the ongoing repairs the Walls.
When “Jubilation” was over the next event on the horizon was “Garden Sunday with Jubilee Scarecrows.” Despite fears about the weather this was a very successful day, the scarecrows bringing smiles to the faces of the many villagers wandering round, and the gardens looking splendid as always. Agaion, many thanks to all involved in any way and helped us to raise another £2,700.
However, there are still a lot of events to come, so please note the dates in your diaries and support us if you can Saturday September 29th at 7.30pm, St Mary’s is to host a free concert by locally born Accordionist Karen Street. The Big Squeeze concert will be a mix of classical, folk and jazz music and donations are requested for Alzheimers Research.
Sunday September 30th is Harvest Festival and Back to Church Sunday, all are welcome to services at 9.30am & 6.30pm when Harvest Gifts will be gratefully received.
Monday October 1st will see a “pop-up” Harvest Stall outside Rolleston Club to sell harvest produce and flowers in aid of a local charity. Coffee will be available in the club lounge as usual.
Saturday November 3rd sees the return of “Valuation Day”, this time with two valuers from Hanson’s Auctioneers – Vanessa who visited last time who in addition to general antiques has a knowledge of costume jewellery, vintage clothing and accessories, and a second expert in books and vintage toys. Valuations will be £1/item and refreshments will be available.
Finally, Advent Festival - Friday November 30th – Monday December 3rd will this year have the theme of “Light in Darkness”. Once again with your help we hope to decorate the church with trees & garlands – a preliminary meeting will be held in St Mary’s on Wednesday September 12th at 7.30pm and all are welcome. The Festival will open with a welcome return concert by local choir, Beatus.
Any queries about these events, or suggestions for others please contact Sylvia Martin (813320) or martin.43@btinternet.com.
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Our Queen’s Jubilee took over the village and we celebrated and a lot of thanks need to go to a lot of people.
On behalf of St Mary’s Church thank you to all those who planned, worked and created so much that so many could enjoy them.
Once again so much is owed by so many to so few.
Thank you.
Rev Ian Whitehead.
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The work on the Church Exterior has finally started after the research and development stage that has been carefully planned over the past year.
Faculty forms (permissions from the Diocese in Lichfield) have been completed, displayed and submitted and all Ecclesiastical permissions gained. No planning permission or Conservation Area permission is required as it is a repairs project under the supervision of an English Heritage Officer.
Stephen Anstey has been appointed as builder following an approved tendering process-he brings expertise and craftsmanship to the project and has worked with stone at Southall Minster amongst other buildings. You will notice the planking surrounding the scaffolding at the back of the church at the moment.
We still have two grant applications pending one from The Wolfson Foundation and the other with Staffordshire Historic Churches (Ian does his annual cycle ride in support of this charity).
This leaves approximately £50,000 fundraising still to raise. Having had to fund the roof repairs following three separate lead thefts (costing £20,000) we are left with no reserves and a bit desperate!
Ideas for fundraising in 2012 include a Barn Dance , kindly supported by a combination of village organisations. This will be on October 13th 2012, all help is voluntary in a bid to raise as much as we can for our historic church building.
There will be two smaller projects-the porch door is to be restored and conserved, also the cartouche (circular plaque) on the exterior of the South porch which is badly eroded. These areas will need approximately £3,000 each to bring to an acceptable state of repair.
If anyone has any ideas for grant applications or fundraising ideas, support or donations please contact either Ian Whitehead (T:810151) or Vanessa Winstone(T:812830)
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Following a very successful “Valuation Day” held in March we have invited Vanessa Savage from Hanson’s Auction House for a return visit on Saturday November 3rd when she hopes to be accompanied by a colleague who is a book and vintage toy expert – more details in Autumn Rollestonian.
You will read elsewhere of our participation in the Jubilation celebrations –on Saturday June 2nd Rolleston Choral Society will be giving a concert in church entitled “This is the Day” – tickets will be on sale shortly, and don’t forget to visit the Old Grammar School for refreshments on Transport Day!
There will be a Walking Treasure Hunt on Friday June 29th to be followed by a BBQ. Tickets will be £5 adults & children up to 11 £1 – keep a look out for posters and more details (after Jubilation!)
On Sunday July 1st our evening service will be replaced by a concert from the Derwent Singers. This well known group will be performing a varied programme of music for this special year.
The weekend of July 7th/8th will be a busy one. Saturday 7th will see ‘Archives on the Road’ in the church, OGSR & Rolleston Club. This is not a money raiser, but the opportunity to find out more about the history of our village, again see posters for details of all the above events.
Sunday July 8th is Garden Sunday together with Jubilee Scarecrows – always a good day to be out and about and not too late yet to contact Sylvia on 813320 if you think you could open your garden for the event. This is one of St Mary’s biggest fund raisers and help would be much appreciated.
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Flags will fly. We will be glued to our TV’s to watch the pageant and Rolleston will celebrate. You have to hand it to the British we do do a good party! Rolleston isn’t so bad at it either!
Our Queen’s Jubilee and the coming of the Olympics to our country are something to celebrate. Yes, it will cost us, but just as the 1950’s Festival of Light in London [which my parents told me about] lifted a nations mood after the war years and rationing, so will these events be something that our children will tell theirs about.
We need these events in the life of the nation as well as our own lives. Life of course is not all an endless party or celebration of events and our lives can be down-right hard work and especially at these times when our finances are being squeezed so hard. However all lives need a lift and a brightness along the way.
Over the summer months you will see the flags and bunting but you will also see the church encased in scaffolding. [Somewhere to hang the flags and bunting perhaps!] Work, we hope, will commence on the tower and the south wall as well as the Lead Roof replacement before the weather causes further damage. This is also costly for the church just like the Jubilee & Olympics will be for the nation. The repair costs will be borne largely by the church, grants have come in but ten’s of thousands of pounds have needed to be found by the Church and village. There are still several thousands needed but by faith we are going ahead. So if you can help us then the Church of St Mary’s, Your Church, would be grateful.
So many people have contributed to the planning of our Village’ celebrations, many of you will enjoy them; many of us will be worn out by the end of them. Yet for our village, church and nation let us celebrate our Queen and her achievements and let us welcome the world to both sporting triumphs and disappointments because that is what real life is like; steps of faith, triumphs, disappointments and in the midst of it all the odd ray of bright hope and joy.
Rev Ian Whitehead.
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St Mary’s is grateful to Staffordshire Local Community Fund and Councilor Bob Fraser for funding a ramp leading from the Croft to the rear of the churchyard and access to the Old Grammar School. The Community Fund supports local communities directly through their local councilors and we are grateful for the help in making the Old Grammar school more easily accessible.
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First of all a big thank you to everyone who took part in the Advent Festival –people have remarked on the settings of many of the displays making it even better than usual – over £2,800 was raised for St Mary’s, thanks to the participation of so many talented Rollestonians.
Our next event will be a “Valuation Day” – Vanessa Savage from Hanson’s Auction House will be in the Old Grammar School between 11am & 3pm on Saturday March 10th to give information and value your items. Valuation will be £1/item and refreshments will be available. This is a good opportunity to bring along that object that has been in the cupboard, or sitting in the corner of the spare room that you have always wondered about.
You will read elsewhere in this issue of the History Talks by Ken Rolston that will take place on the following weekend again in the Old Grammar School and in aid of St Mary’s.
St Mary’s will, of course, be playing its part in the Jubilee Celebrations. See the Programme for details of Rolleston Choral Society’s Concert in Church and the Garage Sale as part of the Transport Festival.
Our next big fundraiser will of course be Garden Sunday on July 8th.This will be in combination with the Scarecrow Competition and Display which we are bringing back this year. The theme is “Royalty” (more details in the next issue) As always we would be very pleased to hear from anyone who would be prepared to join in and open their garden on that day. We have always been proud of the variety of gardens that Rolleston can produce, so be it large or small we would love to hear from you. Last year the majority of the gardens were situated near the Church or on The Lawns, so this time we would love to place the emphasis along the main axis of the village towards the Scout HQ and in roads off to the side. People often say they want their garden perfect before opening it, that’s not the point - it just needs to be well loved and able to be shared with all the lovely visitors that you will receive! If you think you could help, or would just like to find out more of what is involved please give Sylvia Martin a ring on 813320. Thank you.
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Last updated: 27 December 2012