Message from Lady Diana Mosley
My husband, Sir Oswald Mosley, died twenty years ago and would now be well over a hundred, so that his memories went back to the beginning of the last century. He was brought up at Rolleston. He loved the place.
He and his grandfather were both real country people, although their destinies were so different.
He enjoyed all the country pursuits, shooting, fishing, hunting and as he grew older, gardening.
Rolleston must have been perfect for him and his brothers, as boys before the first World War.
He was seventeen when the war began and as for millions of others in Europe, it changed his life. Most of his friends were killed. He joined the Air Force and later fought in the trenches with his regiment, the 16th Lancers.
For the rest of his life he looked upon war as the ultimate tragedy, folly and atrocity. His ideal became a united Europe, and it remains an ideal for every thinking person.
Diana Mosley, Paris, 2000
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© This site was created by Richard Bush
Last updated: 5 April 2000