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Pre-School sessions for children age 3+ are held at the infant site of John of Rolleston Primary School. Morning session 9.00-11.30, lunchtime session 11.30-12.30, afternoon session 12.45-3.15. If you would like to register your child for pre-school or have any queries regarding sessions, please contact Pre-School Manager Lolene Poxon on 239209. Check out their website for more details.
Rolleston Playgroup - which was set up over 35 years ago - is organised by Pre-School and led by voluntary co-ordinators and members of the Pre-School committee, sessions are held at Rolleston Methodist Chapel Room. Age Guide, birth - three and a half years: Tues, Thurs & Fri 10.00am-11.30am. Sessions include creative & messy play activities which change weekly, free play, dressing up, a quiet corner with books and puzzles, baby area, music circle and songtime. A healthy snack and drink (milk always available) are included for the child and a hot drink for parents and carers. A great way to meet other mums! For further information please contact our Playgroup Liason Officer Sandra James on Mob: 07554317561.
* * * Please check latest days, times, locations and costs as information might be out of date * * *
Hello! We have spent the last half term looking at colour and shape and have had fun bringing in items from home for our ‘Colour Weeks’, enjoying craft activities based around this theme.
Our shoe box project - where each child decorates and fills a box at home with their favourite things, toys and photographs has again been a wonderful experience. We have loved getting to know each other and discussing family and friends!
Mrs Huckerby has been sharing her sign language experience which has been a huge success and lovely to witness. Our children have picked up the signs really quickly and we hope to continue with this as part of our every day routine.
We have been on many nature walks and spent a whole week of ‘Forest Schools’ wrapping up warm and wearing our wellies, enjoying muddy fun and fresh air. Lots of visits have been made to the school hall to enjoy some dancing and we have also had a very grown up trip to the library van.
Some of our children had an exciting journey on a mini bus to the Violet Lane School for a ‘Forest Schools’ trip and enjoyed walks, crafts, a campfire and marshmallows. We are very fortunate to have Mr Peake with us whilst he studies for his Early Years Professional status. He has planned and led many activities including Science Day. We have read the Gruffalo and based some activities around this and we have made and enjoyed pumpkin soup along with lots of other delicious snacks at snacktime.
A big thank you to all committee members and volunteers who helped with our Ladies’ Night and the annual Halloween Disco. As a charity, Pre-School would not be able to organise trips, activities and fund resources for the children without these fundraisers so please do try and come along and support us if you can.
Pre-School events calendar at a glance…
Ladies Night - This event held in October was a lovely evening featuring a
cocktail bar,
games, a prize raffle and many local stallholders selling beautiful gifts ideal
Christmas. Thank you to all stallholders involved, committee members, volunteers
and all that attended and helped us to raise funds for Pre-School.
Halloween Disco - Many thanks to all involved and to all that attended this
annual spooky event, great fun was had by all.
Playgroup Christmas Party - Wednesday 13th December at The Scout Headquarters
Pre-School Christmas Nativity - Thursday 20th December at St. Mary’s Church
Pre-School Christmas Party – Monday 10th December Look out for more details of
up & coming events around the village.
Pre-School Pancake Races – Saturday 16th February -tbc
Term Dates 2012-13
Finish for Christmas on Thursday 20th December.
Returning on Monday 7th January - Friday 13th February (Spring Term)
Monday 25th February -Thursday 28th March
Monday 15th April - Friday 24th May (Summer Term)
May Day - Monday 6th May (Pre-School Closed)
Monday 3rd June - Friday 19th July
We have clothing and shoe banks in the Spread Eagle carpark, please think of us.
As a registered charity all funds raised from these banks go to Rolleston
Pre-School. Thank you in anticipation this is a huge help towards our
fundraising! Easy Fundraising Funds can be raised for Pre-School through
www.easyfundraising.org.uk. This is a FREE service where you can shop with
your favourite online stores and at no extra cost raise funds for any charity,
good cause or group you choose to support.
Phone upgrade? Our mobile phone recycling boxes remain at Pre-School and in Starbucks, remember us if you upgrade your phone! On behalf of Rolleston Pre-School, staff and committee members, thankyou for your continuing support.
For Pre-School registration or queries, contact Lolene Poxon, Pre-School Manager on 07984 182959 and 01283 239209. For all Pre-School news visit our website which is now kept right up to date: www.rollestonpreschool.co.uk
Set up over 35 years ago and organised by Pre-School our Playgroup is a safe and fun environment for you and your child. It is led by our voluntary co-ordinators and members of the Rolleston Pre-School committee. Sessions are held at Rolleston Methodist Chapel Room.
All change this term as our children grow and move on to Pre-School and Reception. We sadly say goodbye to Julia Shephard who has headed up Playgroup as Liason Officer for the last couple of years. Heartfelt thanks to Julia for her help in turning things around. Claire Runacus and Soeli Morgan sadly leave our Tuesday and Thursday sessions, huge thanks to both and to all that have helped on these days. Finally a big thank you to Eve Mawhinney and Sally Starbuck who are moving on from the Friday session after running this for the last couple of years with numbers up to capacity throughout. Thanks also to Lisa Martin and to all volunteers who have helped in any way over the last few months and years and a big welcome to new volunteers. We welcome Sandra James who takes over from Julia as Liason Officer, please note her details below should you wish to get in touch. Our Playgroup is a wonderful setting for our children and a great way to make and meet new friends. Everyone moves on with great sadness! Many are staying on as committee members and volunteers and we look forward to working with you all in the future.
Age Guide birth - three and a half years: Tues, Thurs & Fri 10.00am-11.30am
Sessions include creative & messy play activities which change weekly, free
play, dressing up, a quiet corner with books and puzzles, baby area, music
circle and song and story time. A healthy snack and drink (milk always
available) are included for the child and a hot drink for parents and carers.
Our Playgroups are currently in need of new toys please ask for details.
For information please contact our Playgroup Liason Officer Sandra James on Mob: 07554317561 and Email: sandy.james79@yahoo.com
Where did that last term go? The children loved our leaver's trip at the Adventure Farm. GOOD LUCK to all starting big school in September!
The older children have had lots of visits to big school, practiced school lunches, met their new teachers and are so excited about the next step. We finished the year with 77 children on our books the highest ever, 49 leave us for big school and we will welcome another 20 families in September.
Every year we seem to pack more in, this term has been specially busy with the Jubilee Celebrations, meeting "The Queen" was a real treat!
The children enjoyed hunting for bugs and we had such fun when the Animal Man came to visit, holding snakes and tarantulas. We had big adventures going over to the woods.
The Sponsored Mini Olympics was one of those rare hot days that seem a distant memory, it was so well supported and we raised nearly £400 towards resources for next year. Thank you.
The year has held such good memories. As a team we have watched the children grow in confidence, they have become so independent and outgoing which has been wonderful to see.
All our family events have been well supported. A big thank you to the staff, committee and parents that have helped run events throughout the year. Our Family Fun Day helped to raise an incredible amount towards resources and everyone had a wonderful time.
Pre-School events calendar at a glance…
Back to Pre-School on 4th Sept.
Ladies Night - Saturday 6th October
To be held at John of Rolleston School, Alderbrook Site. Stalls, refreshments
and more.
Start your Christmas shopping with us, save the date in your diary and look out
for more information coming soon!
Richard Greenwood Photography - Saturday 13th October
Our annual family photography sessions, to be held at Pre-School.
Halloween Disco – Date tbc
To be held at Rolleston Club. Always guaranteed to be lots of spooky fun! Look
out for more details at Pre-School, in Starbucks and around the village.
We have clothing and shoe banks in the Spread Eagle carpark, please think of us.
As a registered charity all funds raised from these banks go to Rolleston
Pre-School. Thank you in anticipation!
Easy Fundraising Funds can also be raised for Pre-School through www.easyfundraising.org.uk. This is a FREE service where you can shop with your favourite online stores and at no extra cost raise funds for any charity, good cause or group. Please ask at Pre-School for more details.
Phone upgrade? Our mobile phone recycling boxes remain at Pre-School and in Starbucks, remember us if you upgrade your phone!
On behalf of Rolleston Pre-School, staff and committee members, thank you for your continuing support.
For Pre-School registration or queries, contact Lolene Poxon, Pre-School
Manager on 07984 182959 and 01283 239209.
And for all Pre-School news visit:
Fun is also to be had at Rolleston Playgroup, set up over 35 years ago, organised by Pre-School and led by our voluntary co-ordinators and members of the Rolleston Pre-School committee. Sessions are held at Rolleston Methodist Chapel Room.
Age Guide birth - three and a half years: Tues, Thurs & Fri 10.00am-11.30am
Sessions include creative & messy play activities which change weekly, free play, dressing up, a quiet corner with books and puzzles, baby area, music circle and song and story time. A healthy snack and drink (milk always available) are included for the child and a hot drink for parents and carers. Our Playgroups are currently in need of new toys please ask for details.
For further information please contact our Playgroup Liason OfficerJulia Shephard on 07813 102726
We had lots of fun at Pre-School in the run up to Christmas. It was wonderful to see so many of you at our annual Nativity at St. Mary’s. Thank you to all involved for your support and thank you to all parents and carers for helping the children to learn songs. The children had great fun dressing up - The Rudolph and Snowman costumes are very well loved!
We looked at different celebrations with the children, talked about our birthdays and how we celebrate Christmas at home. We discussed life in Japan, based our advent tree on this amazing country and learnt about Origami. A visit to the church to see the advent trees was a big success and the children had such fun with glitter and glue throughout this project!
We enter into the New Year with 13 new children joining us and all have settled in well.
We are looking at "People who help us", starting with a Post Office role play and are hoping to have lots of visits from parents to tell us all about their jobs in the coming weeks. A visit to the real Post Office is also planned and hopefully a fire engine will come to see us too.
Chocolate Bingo –
Saturday 10th March - 2pm
A wonderful afternoon for families held at John of Rolleston Primary School, Alderbrook Site.
Do You Have Any Unwanted Clothes & Shoes?...
We have clothing and shoe banks in the Spread Eagle car park. As a registered
charity all funds raised from these banks go to Rolleston Pre-School. Thank you
Phone upgrade? Our mobile phone recycling boxes remain at Pre-School and in Starbucks, remember us if you upgrade your phone!
Easy Fundraising
www.easyfundraising.org.uk. A FREE service, shop with online stores and at no extra cost raise funds for any charity that you choose to support. Ask at Pre-School for more details.
On behalf of Rolleston Pre-School, staff and committee members, thankyou for your continuing support.
For Pre-School registration or queries, contact Lolene Poxon, Pre-School
Manager on 07984 182959 and 01283 239209. And for all Pre-School news visit:
Organised by Pre-School and led by our voluntary co-ordinators and members of the Pre-School committee, sessions are held at Rolleston Methodist Chapel Room. There are currently places for our Tuesday and Thursday sessions with a short waiting list for our Friday sessions.
Age Guide birth - three and a half years: Tues, Thurs & Fri 10.00am-11.30am
Sessions include creative & messy play activities which change weekly, free play, dressing up, quiet corner with books and puzzles, baby area, music circle and songtime. A healthy snack and drink (milk always available) are included for the child and a hot drink for parents and carers.
Many thanks to those of you that have kindly donated toys and equipment, it is very much appreciated. We are currently in need of a baby changing table and a ‘toddler height’ book case. Should anyone have either in good condition, we will give them a good home.
Calling all Inbetweenies graduates!
Do you miss catching up with your friends for a cuppa and a natter now that your child has moved onto Pre-School or School? Thursday Playgroup (formally known as Inbetweenies) is starting ‘Reunion Weeks’. On the first Thursday of every month (starting on 2nd February from 10am onwards) you are warmly invited to join us for a catch up. We hope to see you there. For further information please contact our Playgroup Liason Officer Julia Shephard on 07813 102726
Last updated: 27 December 2012