Rolleston on Dove Neighbourhood Development Plan
NOTE: No further updates will be made (July 2018). For up to date information please visit the newly created Parish Council web site
* * * Parish Council Announcement - Rolleston on Dove Neighbourhood Development Plan * * *
It has come to our attention that the draft neighbourhood plan May 2018 version requires some further consultation with statutory consultees. As such, to ensure we are still compliant with the regulations, we shall be re-running Regulation 14 in June 2018.
We are withdrawing this current version for amendment and Regulation 14 on this version is closed.
The Parish Council would like to thank all those who have taken the time and effort to make comments and these will be fully considered in due course.
Rolleston on Dove Neighbourhood Development Plan Public Consultation 2018
The Rolleston on Dove Neighbourhood Development Plan was initially made available for public consultation in May online and at a number of venues in the village, an open day in the Old Grammar School on 19 May and could also be viewed at the Rolleston Transport Day on 28 May in Rolleston Club.
Public Meeting - Monday 20 March 2017
At the Public Meeting the Parish Council heard from lots of you (66 in attendance) on your views on the Neighbourhood Development Plan. Quite rightly many aired their frustration at the history of our Plan, but many stated their wish to continue with a Neighbourhood Development Plan. The Parish Council even received pledges of help from three who volunteered to join the Steering Group. The meeting finished on a very positive note. It was subsequently decided that the Parish Council would continue with the Plan by using the current document as a starting point. The first step to meet with the Planners who were in attendance at the Public Meeting to confirm exactly how far back in the process to go. The minutes below provide an update on subsequent progress.
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Minutes
Rolleston Neighbourhood Development Plan December 2016 Update
A meeting was held between ESBC, Rolleston on Dove Parish Council and Neighbourhood Development Steering Group on Monday 5 December 2016 to discuss the future of the neighbourhood plan in light of the college fields decision. Minutes from the meeting can be read here (with comments and amendments made by Corinne O'Hare, ESBC).
June 2015 Update
A meeting has been held between the Parish Council, ESBC and the Neighbourhood planning steering group - a timetable of the Neighbourhood plan was discussed, and ESBC are working towards a February 2016 date for referendum. This is due to it going through re-consultation 19 August for 6 weeks, examination due sometime in October.
College Field High Court Appeal
It was reported in this article 'Chris Young secures the first successful High Court challenge to a neighbourhood plan decision' the Secretary of State has consented to Judgment in the High Court challenge of his refusal of permission for 100 houses. However this does not mean that the College has won planning consent to build on the playing fields, only that the decision of the Secretary of State has been put back and it will be looked at again. There are further details in this Burton Mail article.
Spring 2015 Update
Many of you in Rolleston may have heard the recent news that the College Fields Planning Application Appeal has been refused by the Secretary of State. Although this is good news for now, there is still a lot of work to be done and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group continues to meet on a regular basis.
The Group is pressing hard for East Staffordshire Borough Council to adopt the plan, a plan which has been accepted by the village following considerable work and consultation by members of our community.
ESBC have asked to meet members of the Neighbourhood Plan steering group and Parish Council representatives at the end of January. This will be an important meeting where the communities’ feelings on taking our plan to referendum will be clearly communicated.
We appreciate your views and support and are endeavouring to do our best as a group to protect the village from unwanted and unnecessary development. Should you wish to contact the group, you can do so via the Clerk to the Parish Council – Jane Bucknall
Enough is enough’ says Rolleston Parish Council after year delay on neighbourhood plan
Community leaders in Rolleston have finally said ‘enough is enough’ as they battle to have a village development plan adopted by the borough council. The neighbourhood development plan put together with the help of hundreds of residents has been stalled for more than a year, as it contradicts aspects of East Staffordshire Borough Council’s Local Plan. Villagers have been told they have to wait to hear the outcome of an appeal for a 100-home development in the area, but Rolleston Parish Council has now said action must be taken. Read more in the Burton Mail article here.
Following the recommendation from the Independent Examiner that subject to some minor modifications that the NHD plan proceeds to referendum, a formal request for the modifications to be made and referendum arranged was sent to ESBC in October 2013. Since then ongoing discussions have been taking place with ESBC who are not happy with one of the policies within the plan, Policy H1. It is understood that the Cabinet will make a decision at a future meeting as to if the plan is to be accepted by the Local Authority and proceed to referendum. The Local Authority then has a legal obligation to make public its decision notice. If it is agreed that the plan should proceed to referendum, it is understood that they will be arranged in conjunction with the European Elections due to take place in May 2014.
Neighbourhood Development Plan Examiners Report
The Independent Examiners Report for the NHD plan was received by ESBC and Rolleston Parish Council on Friday 18th October with the following recommendation:-
"I am pleased to recommend to East Staffordshire Borough Council that the Rolleston on Dove Neighbourhood Development Plan should, subject to the modifications I have put forward, proceed to referendum".
A formal request has been submitted to ESBC asking them to make the recommended modifications to plan and asking that they arrange a referendum asap.
Rolleston on Dove Neighbourhood Development Plan Formal Consultation
The NHD Plan has been submitted to East Staffordshire Borough Council who are responsible for undertaking the formal 6 week consultation. The consultation commenced on Tuesday 23rd July and ended on Monday 4th September 2013.
The associated pdf documents can be accessed below:
The following (pdf) documents were submitted in June 2013:
Neighbourhood Development Plan – Plan B
A newsletter (Newsletter - July 2013 PLAN B.pdf) created by the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group was delivered to every home in the village, outlining details of a proposed plan b. There were also two open sessions on Saturday 10th August between 10am and 2pm and Monday 19th August between 5pm and 8pm in the Old Grammar School Rooms, Church Road. Pre Submission consultation on plan b ran from 29th July to 8th September.
If the application to develop the college field is approved then, and only then proposed to submit to ESBC, a revised version of our Neighbourhood Plan known as PLAN B. Details of PLAN B can be found on the village website here.
Neighbourhood Development Plan Pre-Submission Consultation
As part of the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, Rolleston on Dove Parish Council undertook pre-submission consultation on its Neighbourhood Development Plan. As a statutory consultation body, they sought views on the Draft NDP. The plan can be viewed here (pdf format 2.87MB), appendices (pdf format 4.08MB) and executive summary (pdf format 180KB). The plan is also available as a Microsoft Word document (7.79MB). Hard copies of the plan could also be obtained by contacting Mrs Heidi Light, Clerk to the Council.
The pre-submission consultation ran for a period of six weeks - Monday 11th February 2013 09:00hours until Monday 25th March 2013 at 17:00hours.
Drop in Sessions
There were drop in sessions on the following dates where hard copies of the
plan were available to view:
Saturday 2nd March, 10am until 2pm, Old Grammar School Rooms, Church Road
Monday 4th March, 5pm until 8pm, Old Grammar School Rooms, Church Road
Further information could be found in the Rolleston on Dove Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Newsletter - February 2013 (pdf format).

Village Housing Boom (October 2011)
Hundreds of outraged homeowners attended a meeting on Monday 3 October 2011 to hear about a proposed housing development which could radically change the appearance of Rolleston. Further details were reported in the Burton Mail article here. Minutes of the Neighbourhood Development Plan meeting can be seen here.
* * * * *

Rolleston’s Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
In late 2011 a Steering Group was formed to combat the threat of housing development in Rolleston and they urgently sought out the views of villagers. Read more about this consultation process including dates of meetings, contacts, etc here. The first issue of their newsletter with further details can be read here.
Further issues have since been produced and are available using the links below:
They hand delivered a Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire to all residents in April (to be returned by 4th May).
To fight the Borough Council’s plans for Rolleston villagers were asked to look at alternative sites for any development. Rolleston’s Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group sought to identify owners of land (however small) which they would want to be considered for development over the next 10-15 years. Ideas could be dropped off at the box in Starbucks. Public open days to show possible housing types and sites for housing, giving the opportunity to register your preferences were held on the evening of Monday 20th August, 6pm until 9pm and Saturday 1st September, 9am – 2pm in the Old Grammar School Rooms, Church Road. Further details can be read in their newsletter.
Here is a copy of the questionnaire, site map and site survey which showed potentially how many dwellings each site could accommodate. Rollestonians were asked to list sites for development in order of preference, eg. preference for site 5, so on the questionnaire, place a number 1 against site 5 etc and also preferred type of development, eg. bungalows, houses etc. Completed forms were to be returned to Heidi Light (8 Beacon Drive) no later than 2nd September.
© This site was created by Richard Bush
Last updated: 8 July 2018