News 2011
Proposal to build at least 325 houses and a
primary school on land between Tutbury Road,
Harehedge Lane and Rolleston Road (Nov 2011)
The Rolleston Parish Council urgently require local residents help to oppose this particular major planning application on the doorstep of Rolleston. Their appeal can be read here (Word document).
However time is short and opposition letters must be received by First City Limited by 8th December. A sample objection letter can be found here (Word document).
An e-petition is running on the SCC website against the development. It does require you to register to be able to add your signature to the petition, but the whole process takes no more than five minutes. Follow the e-petitions link found a third of the way down on the right hand side of the front page of the county council website. Deadline 29/12/2011.

Village Housing Boom (October 2011)
Hundreds of outraged homeowners attended a meeting on Monday 3 October 2011 to hear about a proposed housing development which could radically change the appearance of Rolleston. Further details were reported in the Burton Mail article here. Minutes of the Neighbourhood Development Plan meeting can be seen here.

Rolleston’s Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
In late 2011 a Steering Group was formed to combat the threat of housing development in Rolleston and they urgently sought out the views of villagers. Read more about this consultation process including dates of meetings, contacts, etc here. The first issue of their newsletter with further details can be read here.
Rolleston on Dove Parish Council's response to the Draft ESBC Core Strategy can be read here along with the associated appendix. Both are pdf documents.
In the Burton Mail article "College keeping quiet on its plans for village land" (14 October) a community stalwart calls for the former school sports ground to be brought back into public use. When contacted by the Mail, Burton and South Derbyshire College refused to confirm how much land it still owns in Rolleston and declined to comment on its plans for the site.
Large Scale Housing Development Proposed For Rolleston - September 2011
East Staffordshire Borough Council is required to prepare a plan covering the whole Borough to replace the current adopted Local Plan of 2006. The proposed options might lead to 150 or more houses being built on the College sports field; with 50 houses (Option 3) appearing to be the least. The consultation document can be read (and commented) online and downloaded from here. If you wish to respond by letter, please send your representations by 21st September 2011 to: Planning Policy, East Staffordshire Borough Council, The Maltsters, Wetmore Road, Burton upon Trent DE14 1LS (Fax: 01283 535412), Email:
"The controversial Westbury development completed a natural boundary with the countryside and allowed those properties adjoining the sports field to retain their view and privacy. The proposed development would destroy a natural and well formed boundary, and create an urban salient into the countryside, being prominent and highly visible in the landscape. It would increase noise and traffic to adjoining settlements. It is questionable that it will benefit the local community in terms of truly affordable housing for locals and it will therefore probably just encourage more outward commuting." - Village Webmaster.
The Burton Mail articles House-building demand could swallow swathes of countryside and Campaigners say there is 'no support or consent' for thousands of new homes make further comment.
© This site was created by Richard Bush
Last updated: 29 September 2013