Millennium Matters
Progress report on Rolleston's Millennium Charity (June 2001).
We have received the final report on the first project we sponsored, which readers may remember was concerned with the hygiene element of an integrated water supply programme in villages in Tamil Nadu, Southern India.
New hygiene workers have been trained and are helping villagers to understand the importance of hygiene as a way of preventing disease. Further training for pump caretakers and mechanics has also been undertaken and villages encouraged to establish maintenance funds to ensure the continuing efficiency of their pumps.
As a result of the recently acquired sources of safe water and the improvements to hygiene and sanitation practices there has already been a significant reduction in the incidence of water related illnesses particularly among children. Now that women do not have to spend hours each day walking to find water they are able to spend more time looking after their children, keeping their homes clean and helping to grow food for their families.
We expect a report in the summer on the project we are supporting with the remainder of money raised during Millennium year. This is again in South India and involves five villages in Andrha Pradesh.
Rolleston on Dove Millennium Committee
The committee held its last meeting on 9th January 2001. Having completed its activities the Committee, in accordance with its constitution was formally dissolved and all remaining funds added to the WaterAid donation (see below).
Both as Chairman and, on behalf of the Committee, I would like to record our appreciation of the co-operation we received from the whole village throughout the year – businesses, schools, organisations and residents.
The success of this collaboration has led to the formation of the Rolleston on Dove Special Events Committee (RODSEC).
Tom Martin
The final act
of the Millennium Committee took place at the launch of the village raffle on
Saturday 27th January with the presentation of a cheque for £5767.64
to a WaterAid representative.
The amount raised gave an indication of how much the whole village had supported the Millennium Committee in their decision to raise money for WaterAid during Millennium year.
Fundraising started in 1999 with a Garden Party run by the Dove Clinic and after that there were a number of fundraising events from different village organisations, one of the most successful being the “Living Waters Flower Festival” organised by the Methodist church last June. A house-to-house collection took place in the early part of last year which raised over £1000 towards the final total and there were other individual contributions.
Further events which contributed to the total included a Victorian Market, Soup & Pudding evening, Coffee morning, Art Exhibition and collection at the Civic Trust Concert, while contributions were received from St Mary’s Harvest Festival, Choral Society and the Guides. Sale of commemorative “Rollestonians” and videos provided further sources of funds.
Sue Fyleman, who accepted the cheque on behalf of WaterAid was able to give details of a project link in South India that will benefit from the donation. She explained that £1000 had already gone towards a project which, in addition to restoring derelict boreholes, provided much needed sanitation and health education.
The next project centred on 5 villages in Andhra Pradesh with a population of 5989, 70% of whom are living under the poverty line. WaterAid will be supplying new boreholes with handpumps including one for a school, constructing drainage systems for two of the villages and several related projects within the area. She stressed the importance of clean water, sanitation and education in maintaining the health of the population and congratulated the village in raising such a large sum for the project.
All the village millennium events appear to have been successful and have exceeded their organiser's expectations.
Arts Festival Week started with well attended PSFA Duck Race, Scout Carnival and Art Exhibition. The W.I John Kettley talk was sold out. The Civic Trust concert and the Choral Society recital both filled St Mary's Church and the Historical Exhibition had 2000 visitors meeting the target we had set ourselves in our Lottery "Awards for All" grant application. The Millennium Committee appreciates the support that Rollestonians have given to events throughout the year.
MILLENNIUM MUGS - Rolleston's millennium mugs, designed by John of Rolleston Primary schoolchildren, Lauren and Sophie Marshall are now available from the Civic Trust.
Art Exhibition 14th - 17th May 2000
The exhibition proved to be very successful. Many people
who visited on Scout Carnival Day and on the W.I John Kettley talk on the Monday
said how much they enjoyed seeing the pictures, photographs and craft work.
Quite a number returned on the following days for a second and longer look. Four
pictures were sold and £130 was raised from entry fees and donations for
On behalf of the Millennium committee I would like to thank all the artists who exhibited - the majority of whom live in the village. Also many thanks to Margaret Smedley and the Scouts for allowing us the use of the scout HQ and to Glenys Tunstall and Bob Smedley for partnering me in the hanging and manning of the exhibition. (Ron Price).
Historical Exhibition
Many thanks to all the people who helped to make the
Exhibition such a success. We had over six hundred items on display in St.
Mary's Church and the Church Room, and about two thousand people came to look.
The church looked lovely with the flower arrangements and the silver, and
everyone enjoyed music from the organ, piano and the Doveside WI Belle-plate
ringers. It was nice to see the Millennium video too. So a big thank you to
everyone for lending items, providing flowers and music, stewarding, most of
which was done by members of Rolleston on Dove W.I., and for making the event
worthwhile by coming to see it.
Quite a lot of people said "If I had only known, I could have lent you a .....", so what of the future? It was so good to have so many village organisations involved, so can we do something in, say, two years' time? If you are prepared to help, or have any ideas, please let me know. (Ann Burston).
Flower arrangers don't really want a heat wave at the
beginning of a Flower Festival, but that was what happened in June. The
"Notable Company" sang "Summertime" with great feeling in
their splendid concert to a very warm audience on the Saturday night, the
flowers needed frequent spraying but survived extremely well; the local
organists provided pleasant background music, the congregation at the Sunday
service was swelled by extra people; the teapots were in frequent use, the badge
machine worked very hard. And the outcome was a total of £1006.28 for
Rolleston's Millennium charity, WaterAid. Thanks to all who contributed in any
way. (Joyce Lockley).
MILLENNIUM VIDEO - "Rolleston on Dove into the 21st Century" was launched at the Scout Carnival. It runs for 70 minutes and surveys village history, life and events in the year 1999 leading up to the Millennium. Arrangements can be made with the Civic Trust for alternative format versions to send overseas. On sale at village events, the Post Office, Starbuck's (price £7 each).
Parish Council Village Gateways
These have now been built by Jeremy Marshall and planted
by Steve Mcloughlin. They have met with general approval and make an overdue
improvement to the village approaches.
Volunteers to help keep the plant boxes watered would be very welcome, please let Maureen Woodbine know if you can assist.
Rolleston on Dove Millennium Arts Festival
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Home Page or Village Grapevine© This site was created by Richard Bush
Last updated: 3 June 2001