Letter From Canada

A photo of Brookside on the village website brought back so many memories for Jean Mozley (nee Dallison).

In 2008 she wrote to say "My Aunt Etty lived at No.5 Brookside Cottages about 70 years ago and I would fish outside the cottage when I stayed with her during my school holidays. I lived in Derby then. When I was around 12 years old another 'fisherman' came by. We chatted and I discovered that we both went to Grammar Schools. He to Uttoxeter - I went to Homelands in Derby. We would meet at Brookside almost every day for the six weeks that I was there. My Uncle was the Water man at Rolleston and was transferred the following year to Hanbury. I didn't see my fisherman friend ever again. His name was Robert Webster Ford. ... I discovered later of course what a terrible time he had gone through in Tibet. I had married and had a family by the time Robert was released and returned to Rolleston. I have often wondered if he is still alive as he was 2 years older than I. I am now 83 years old (2008) and living in Canada. I often think of the happy days of my childhood. It's nice to be able to return through your site and still see some of the places that I remember so well. Thank you for giving an old lady a lot of pleasure. I think the people who live in Rolleston are so lucky. It still seems to be one of those rare places in England, that has remained beautiful. I don't know if anyone would remember my Aunt and Uncle - Harry and Etty Downing - or my Aunt Rose and Uncle George Mayne. Their three sons, my cousins, Les, Norman and Gordon Mayne were close friends to the Topliss brothers. I would love to hear from anyone who knew my relatives. I think your site is wonderful - and I give you a big 10 for being in my eyes - Webmaster of the Year. Keep up the good work."

If you would like to contact Jean I can let you have her email address.

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© This site was created by Richard Bush

Last updated: 26 August 2008