Victory Celebrations, Beacon Road, 1946
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Bryan Jennings who farmed at Cross Farm from 1968 to 1980 and then moved to Australia sent this photograph of Rolleston children taken after WW2. He had an idea of location, date and a few names. Thanks to feedback received from members of Michael Wardell's Rolleston History Facebook site https://www.facebook.com/groups/1960159270889847/ more information was obtained.
Sue Cheetham (as she was then) was able to confirm it was "Victory Celebrations, Beacon Road, 1946", taken where Neville Close is now.
So far the following names have been suggested:
Front row boy on the left (chewing a piece of grass maybe) Eddie Solomon, John Hodson Walker looking behind. Girl in jumper with label not known, next to her Elizabeth Manning. Immediately behind her is her sister Pat sitting on Iris Allen's knee. The lady on the extreme left in the flowery/spotted dress is Mrs Manning. Immediately behind Eddie Solomon is John Cheetham with Alan Taylor next to him. Moving right from Pat Manning past the other boy sitting on a knee, the next girl behind is Ann Hodson Walker. The last few suggestions are not quite so certain - one of the Fawkes girls third from the right of the older lady in the second row. In the front row on the extreme right are possibly Wedd or Jennings children. Brian Taylor on the left next to the the lady with the little girl. Middle row first girl sitting Pamela Newbury.
Bryan Jennings thinks the boy 2nd from right front row is his older brother David. He also thinks the boy on the left of his brother is Frank Milton from Chapel Lane and the girl next to him looks like Gill Cheetham, and the big boy on the left of the photo is John Cox.
Keep the suggestions coming.
Rolleston Victory Fete
Successful Effort for Forces Fund.
Bryan has since discovered two paper clippings about the Rolleston Victory Fete. He believes his mum must have cut them out of the Burton Mail. They are not dated, however based on when he was born they must refer to an earlier event in 1945 (probably Saturday 1st September 1945) and most likely on land where the current junior school and playing fields are (that land belonged to Barn Farm and John Reeves had it). There are a lot of local names mentioned including his. They are not that easy to read in places so a rough transcript appears below.
A victory fete organised by the Rolleston Forces Reception Committee, was held on Saturday in a field placed at the committee’s disposal by Mr J Reeves. It is expected that about £80 will be available for the Forces Fund, a gratifying result, considering the number of counter attractions in the district.
The fete was opened by Mr. L. Patey, who was wounded on active service and is now a member of the committee. He commended the work of the committee and asked all to support the cause.
He was thanked by Mr. E. J. Spiller who presided.
Already Service men and women from the village have received benefits costing over £700.
Children were particularly well catered for in the matter of amusements, there being Punch and Judy shows, sports and pony rides.
There were also sports for adults, an open baby show, a weight-lifting exhibition and competition, and a ladies ankle competition.
Mr. L. Patey, the hon. sports secretary, was assisted by Mr. C. Bate, Mr. F. Stevens, Mr. Harry Taylor and Mr. G. Hodson-Walker.
Mrs. F. G. Hodges, who judged the babies, made awards as follows:- Up to six months: 1 Keith Edgar Bould (Union Street, Burton); 2, Bryan Harold Jennings (Rolleston). Six to twelve months: 1. Roger Patey (Rolleston); 2, Sylvia Bull (Rolleston). Twelve to 18 months: 1, Brenda Taylor (Rolleston); 2, Venetia Turner (Rolleston).
Mr. Les Lings, of Hatton, Midland featherweight amateur weightlifting champion, demonstrated to a large and appreciative gathering, four different lifts commencing …..
… The open novices’ competition in the under 18 class was won by Dennis Bentley of Rolleston, and the over 18 class by Sergeant J. Hipperson, R.A.F., who made nine successful attempts with two 56lbs. weights. The runner up was Mr. W. H. Coxon, of Burton, with seven successful attempts.
Prize Winning Ankles
Prize winners in the ladies’ ankle competition, for which there were 17 entrants, were: 1, Miss Joyce Manning, 2, Miss Margaret Slaney. The awards were made by Sergeant J. Hipperson and L. A. C. J. Kilbride.
The prize for discovering Rolleston's mystery man, Mr. O. Prime, was won by Miss Daniels.
Stalls and side shows were arranged by the following: Crockery, Mrs. H. Taylor and Mrs. W. Milton; fruit and vegetables, Mr. W. Chapman and Mrs. F. G. Hodges; bran tub Mrs. W. Chapman; ices, Mrs. R. L. Jones, Miss D. E. Skellett and Miss J Fisher; minerals, Mrs. A. E. Greening and Mrs. G. Fearn; hoop-la, Mrs. W. Sharp and Girl Guides; Hidden treasure, Mr. A. Fern; ping pong, ring the bottle and programmes, Boy Scouts under Mrs. W. Bagnall's supervision; sand bags, Mr. D. Bentley; wheel’em in, Mr. F. R. Taylor and Mr. A. Everett; slicing the fowl, Mr. R. Solomon and Mr. A. Cheetham; bowling to target, Mr. P. Toon and Mr. E. Broadhurst; bowling through boards, Mr. G. Lowe and Mr. H. Bowring; pony rides, Mr. R. Bentley.
Competition winners included Ducks for bowling at target, Mrs. E. Hassens; case of beer for bowling through boards, Mr. P. Toon; whisky, Mr. G. Hodson-Walker; Iced cake Miss M. Slaney.
A huge bonfire was lighted in the field and a dance was held in a floodlit marquee. Over 200 people attended.
Special commendation is due to Mrs. E. J. Spiller, Mrs. F. A. Slaney, lady members of the committee and their helpers who not only provided teas at the fete, but were responsible for refreshments at the dance.
Chief officials were: Chairman, Mr. E. J. Spiller; hon. secretary Mr. F A. Slaney; hon. treasurer, Mr. R. Tweed.
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Last updated: 21 April 2018