Friends of John of Rolleston Primary School News 2017
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Having completed another successful year supporting some of the extra-curricular activities that the children enjoy, we were delighted to be able to report, at our recent Annual General Meeting, that we made a surplus of around £17,500 in the last school year. This is a fantastic achievement, which would not have been possible without the support of the parents and the whole village community – so THANK YOU!
The new school year has started well and, at the time of writing, we are looking forward to our Halloween discos.
The new Committee, elected in September, is beginning to plan the series of FOJORPS events for the year ahead.
Following the success of last year’s format, we have committed to follow suit with this year’s Christmas Market, which will be held from 3.45-6.30pm on Friday 1st December at the Junior School Site on Chapel Lane. We will have a number of stalls offering a variety of Christmas goods; hot food and refreshments; mince pies and mulled wine; and festive songs to kick off the Christmas period in style! Open to all, we would be delighted to see as many villagers as possible.
As existing parents will expect, we have a termly schedule of discos, events and Bags2School collections – all of which will be advertised through newsletters and on Facebook.
We have already started planning next year’s Community Day which will be held on 16th June 2018. Fingers crossed for another dry one this time?!
I am sure that this year will be another great success for FOJORPS and that we will continue to “create childhood memories”.
Thank you for your continued support
Russell Copley, Chair of FOJORPS
07976 964881
What a fantastic year we have had!
With all our events now completed, save for our special Leavers’ Disco at which we mark the departure of our top year to pastures new, we can report that FOJORPS have completed an amazing academic year and raised more than £18,000 to put towards enhancing our children's educational experience.
For the first time in recent history, the weather was exceptionally kind to us for our annual Community Day. Who can forget the sound of the Spitfire as it roared overhead? As we cast our eyes towards the skies, so many of our visitors raised a glass that we ran out of beer (only temporarily I am pleased to say!). It seems that most of the village turned out at some stage of the day and our takings were up there with the best. As well as thanking all the visitors, staff, volunteers and Committee Members, we would also like to record out thanks to Barclays Bank and their employees who, through a generous matched funding scheme, helped us to boost our coffers.
All of our events have been well supported this year, from discos and movie nights, through Christmas and Community Day, and we are thrilled with how the year turned out.
We are, however, looking forward to a Summer off, and will come back to the start of the new academic year in September – with the elections of our Committee Members – with renewed energy levels.
We would encourage all parents to keep an eye on our newsletter and Facebook pages for the dates of our Annual General Meeting in September….there's a rumour we might have wine!
Thank you for your continued support
Russell Copley, Chair of FOJORPS
07976 964881
FOJORPS is having another great year so far, with all of our events extremely well supported by their target audiences. We have organised some amazing discos and movie nights, hosted a ladies’ fashion show and sale
As we approach the Summer, our thoughts now turn to our big event of the year – Community Day 2017. This is our largest event, and our biggest fund raiser. Once again, we are praying that the weather will be good to us as it’s simply not possible to cater for all that we have planned indoors!
Make sure that you mark Saturday June 17th in you dairies for a day of fun, activities and entertainment.
With a number of surprises still to be announced, we can confirm the return of the Spitfire flypast (always a head turner) and the Pinxton Puppet Show. We will have plenty of food, a full bar and entertainments and activities for the whole community.
Please do come along and support your local school.
If any villager wishes to have a stall at this year’s Community Day, or is in the position to support us in any way (perhaps by offering a raffle prize?), please do get in touch.
Also in June, we will be organising another Bags2School collection. Although the bags will be circulated to the families of those at the school (via their bags) we would welcome ALL donations of unwanted clothing at the school gates in the run up to the collection. This is an easy way of us turning unwanted clothes into cash to help the children whilst, at the same time, helping those less fortunate than ourselves.
15th June – Bags2School, Both School Sites
17th June - Community Day 17, John of Rolleston Primary School, Chapel Lane
Thank you for your continued support
Russell Copley, Chair of FOJORPS
07976 964881
Once again, FOJORPS seems to have started a successful fund raising year, with a number of events and activities already completed.
We have already seen some excellent events, ranging from the community wide Christmas Market in late November (which was very well supported by the whole village) through to the new format school discos, which the children seemed to really appreciate.
Following up on last year’s purchase of new iPads, we are once again looking to support the school through some further equipment purchases, as well as funding trips and activities for the children. As details of our fund raising targets develop, we shall keep you all updated through these pages.
Our next open event is the Ladies’ Fashion Show and Sale, to be held on the evening of Monday 6th February. With a range of styles, sizes and prices to suit all, we are sure that there is something for all ladies in the village! Last year’s event was a sell-out and we expect tickets to sell fast. Look out for posters around the village and at Starbuck’s Newsagents.
Beyond that, we are already looking forward to the next Community Day, which will be held on Saturday 17th June at the Alderbrook site. Building upon the success of last year, we will be introducing a number of new attractions this year, as well as bringing back all of the old favourites, in the hope of attracting even greater numbers than last year. If any villager wishes to have a stall at this year’s Community Day, or is in the position to support us in any way (perhaps by offering a raffle prize?), please do get in touch.
Future dates
6th February Ladies Fashion Show and Sale, Alderbrook Hall, Chapel Lane
17th June Community Day 17, John of Rolleston Primary School, Chapel Lane
Thank you for your continued support
Russell Copley, Chair of FOJORPS
07976 964881
Last updated: 13 November 2017