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What A Season!
Rolleston Cricket Club has recently completed a most successful season in its long and illustrious history. The 1st XI players won their last eight league games to capture the Derbyshire Division One championship and, in doing so, have gained promotion to the Premier League for the first time in the club’s history. The team have also reached the final of the Marston’s Smooth Cup but will not be able to defend the trophy (won in 2014) until next May, weather and fixture congestion taking their toll.
Having been promoted to Division Four (south) last year, the 2nd XI rose to the challenge and were in contention throughout the campaign, topping the table for much of the season prior to slipping to third positon and narrowly missing out on another promotion.
The 3rd XI, a blend of youth and experience, totally dominated Division Six (south) and finished the season 87 points clear of the chasing pack to become Champions. There will be sterner challenges ahead in Division Five.
And the 4th XI, promoted last year, won six matches, lost six and drew five to finish in a respectable mid-table position in Division Nine (south). Once again, several promising youngsters have been introduced to senior cricket and have performed encouragingly which augers well for the future.
The club’s Junior teams again performed well and many youngsters have shown
the benefit of attending ‘practice sessions’ where our coaches, led by Matt
Parker and Clive Jacobs, have worked tirelessly to improve players’ technique.
The Kwik cricket was very well supported and enjoyed by all who took part, more
than fifty youngsters attending on several evenings. Thanks go to all the
organisers and helpers who have made Tuesday and Friday evenings so enjoyable.
This form of cricket is a great way to introduce youngsters to the game and,
whilst the national trend in cricket participation is disappointing, Rolleston
CC is currently going from strength to strength - long may this continue.
The end of season Senior Presentation night was held at the club this year with the Rolleston Scouts’ marquee erected on the outfield and hot meats being prepared by Barkers our local butchers. Following the presentation, a disco entertained us and the neighbours (sorry neighbours) until midnight. The event also raised valuable funds to be used for the new ground / pavilion extension and was organised by Claire Goode with help from the “Willow Wags”, our very keen (and able) ladies’ section.
The extension to the pavilion is gaining speed with the contract awarded to Gabriel Builders headed up by Jason Lyndsey. Jason will be undertaking the main building work with members helping where we can. Any volunteers will always be made welcome, so if you have any hidden talents please let the secretary (details below) know and your expertise will harnessed to ensure we meet our deadline finish for next season. The plan is to start building in the last week of October and we need to complete by mid-March if possible.
The second ground is looking splendid and the rolling of the square has started in preparation for the first game of the season on the 23rd April. We plan to celebrate the occasion with a special event in which we would like to involve the whole village – so watch this space!
Whilst the building working is taking place the Defibrillator for use by the village, will be mounted on the back of the garage wall not on the pavilion.
If you are interested in becoming a club member, whether as a player (senior or junior), or perhaps a social member, or if you would like more information about the Club, fixtures, social events ... etc. please contact the Club secretary, Steve Cooper (07739 760786) or Michael Acton at the Club (01283 813449). You can also see what’s going on at the Club on our website – www.rollestoncc.org.uk
As you read this report the 2015 cricket season is just over halfway, which seems to have gone in a flash, We have been very fortunate with the weather this season will very few games being disrupted due to bad weather.
All senior teams are performing well with the 2nd’s and 3rd’s topping their leagues, the Juniors section goes from strength to strength with the Kwik’s section bursting at the seams with young talent.
We once again entered the National Village Knockout competition, unfortunately we did not pass the 1st round being beaten by Elvaston, so RCC will not be going to Lord’s this season, maybe next year.
Our full fixture list is available on request from the Club pavilion and there is plenty of opportunity to come down and see some exciting games of cricket both on a Saturday and Sunday, no better place to sit in the sun and enjoy a drink. If you fancy a game we have the Willowers match midweek for all ages and abilities, give the club a ring to find out more.
We have been very fortunate to secure the Sport England's grant which has enabled us to push forward with the pavilion extension plans, quotations for the work are being currently sourced and would like to start at the end of September for completion for the start of the 2016 season, any help financially or otherwise will be greatly appreciated, please contact the Club secretary, details below.
If you would like more information about the Club, including membership as a player or social member, please contact Club secretary Steve Cooper ( 07739 760786 ) or Michael Acton at the Club ( 01283 813449 ). You can also get information from our web-site at www.rollestoncc.org.uk.
Steve Cooper
As you read this report the cricket season will be underway for 2015 with the first competitive games being played on the weekend of the 18th and 19th April. Let's hope it all starts well for the club. This year, as last, we have no overseas player but have signed Graham Dent and Richard Green from Lullington - both players sure to strengthen the 1st team squad which will, in turn, filter down to the other three senior teams. We look forward to a good season all round. The 1st and 2nd teams will play their home fixtures at Rolleston and the 3rd and 4th teams at Marchington. This should be the final year of this arrangement because our new ground development is progressing well and all four teams will hopefully be staging their 2016 home games within the village.
As well as senior League cricket we will be running junior teams at U-11 (Kwik cricket and hard-ball ), U-13, U-15 and U-17 age groups plus friendly matches on Sundays. There are also several ‘Willower’ fixtures which give those who like to play, but maybe aren’t quite up to League standard, the opportunity to have a game.
We have entered the National Village Knockout again this season, with the possibility of several home matches should we keep progressing. The final of this competition is held at Lords so fingers crossed for an improvement on our 2013 semi-final appearance.
Our full fixture list is available on request from the Club pavilion.
In one of last year's reports we told you of the on-pitch collapse of Ian Wakefield, who seems thankfully to have a made a full recovery. As a result, club members agreed to raise money to purchase a defibrillator. The response was amazing and thanks go to the 30 members who braved dreadful weather to take part in a 17mile sponsored walk from Sawley (the location of Ian’s incident) back to Rolleston CC. Thanks also go to their generous sponsors. So successful was the walk that sufficient money was raised for not just one, but three machines and the requisite training.
Pirelli Ltd kindly donated £250 to the defibrillator fund and the Staffordshire County Council Community Fund generously contributed £1,000 - thanks to the good offices of Rolleston Parish Council and local county councillor Bob Fraser. One of the defibrillators will therefore be shared for community use, stationed permanently and securely at the club’s ground on Dovecliff Road, where it will be available 24/7. The other two machines will be taken to away games each Saturday. Training has now taken place and the machines will be available for the start of the new cricket season.
We are yet to hear any further news regarding possible funding for the Pavilion extension and keenly await Sport England's decision. All should be revealed in May, and if the funding does become available it will be full steam ahead with the extension plans at the end of September - ready for 2016.
If you would like more information about the Club, including membership as a player or social member, please contact Club secretary Steve Cooper ( 07739 760786 ) or Michael Acton at the Club ( 01283 813449 ). You can also get information from our web-site at www.rollestoncc.org.uk.
The 2015 cricket season will soon be with us, with pre-season ground preparations at Rolleston and Marchington starting in earnest, the weather seems to be on our side at the moment, cold, windy but not too wet. The new season starts on Saturday April 18th
The new ground is now well established and looking good to start playing on at the end of this season/ start of next, this could be the last season the 3rd and 4th team play at Marchington.
Indoor nets have now started with good attendances, everyone at Rolleston is keen to get going again and looking forward to another good season. We have recruited two new senior players, Graham Dent and Richard Green which is hoped these will strengthen the 1st team in an effort to gain promotion to the Premier league
A full list of fixtures will be available from the Club at the beginning of April.
We are again running four senior League teams on Saturdays plus Sunday and midweek friendly teams. Junior teams are run at U-11 (Kwik cricket and hard-ball), U-13, U-15 and U-17 levels, and there are coaching evenings at the ground in Rolleston during the season.
The Club has now received planning permission to extend the Pavilion and the club is working hard to raise the funding required, which will be considerable, any help anyone can give the Club in this respect, whether practical or financial would be very much appreciated.
If you are interested in becoming a member whether as a player (senior or junior), maybe just as a social member, or if you would like more information about the Club, fixtures, social events ... etc. Please contact the Club secretary Steve Cooper (07739 760786) or Michael Acton at the Club (01283 813449). You can also see what’s going on at the Club on our web-site – www.rollestoncc.org.uk
Steve Cooper
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Last updated: 31 December 2015