Rolleston Campus Development - Before and After
Thanks to the artist wizardry of a local resident, here are two 'satirical' aerial views - one gives the campus area minus buildings (a true green field site!) set between Twentylands and Meadow View whereas the other gives an idea what the proposed housing density would look like in relation to the surrounding houses. This is before roads, roundabout, toddlers play area, garages or other facilities proposed on the plan have been added. (There has been no attempt to show the actual planned layout).
Although this somewhat trivialises the seriousness of the impact this major development will have on the village it does graphically illustrate the scale of the problem. Should you wish to raise objections to (or support) the reserved matters application (received by ESBC) for the erection of 90 dwellings including details of siting, design, external appearance and landscaping, Burton College Rolleston Campus for Westbury Homes (Ref: RM/02863/017/PS) representations should be made to East Staffs Borough Council as soon as possible (and by 2 November at the latest).
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© This site was created by Richard Bush
Last updated: 16 November 2001