Art Club News 2013

Newsletter - Winter 2013

The club members are well into their Autumn programme and looking forward to the Annual Dinner and the Christmas Party. In the New Year the programme includes 'Winter Sports', Spring Flowers' and abstract painting. Also there is work to do towards the Burton Library Exhibition starting on Monday 24th February 2014.

For more information about the club and its activities please contact on 531440.

Newsletter - Autumn 2013

Club Members will be back inside at the Stretton Methodist Church school room from Monday September 2nd after quite a reasonable Summer painting and sketching out doors. There is a programme of projects ready for them unless they want to do their own thing. There is a demonstration given by Catherine Laird on 'Still life in pastel' on October 7th at 7pm (£3 per person). This should provide, for the newer members, an opportunity in the following week to try a new medium. Also members will be preparing for the Club Exhibition at the Burton Library from Monday 14th October to Monday 28th October. And then to Christmas party in December. For more information about the club and its activities please contact on 812184

Newsletter - Summer 2013

Club members are now looking forward to 'getting out and about' now the light nights are coming. We will meet indoors until the end of June then meet outside at venues in and around Burton. This will improve our sketching ability although some members are able to complete a water colour in a couple of hours outside. Then back inside, from September we will need to work towards our next exhibition in the Autumn at the library. For more information about the club and its activities please contact on 812184

Newsletter - Spring 2013

The members have begun the new year eagerly. They are now looking forward and working for their next club exhibition:-

Spring exhibition, Burton Library, Monday 18th March to Monday 1st April

But soon after they could enter the BADAC 'Small Arts and Craft' exhibition at the Brewhouse 6th April to 11th May. So it will be a busy painting period this spring. The club meets every Monday at the Methodist church Schoolroom in Stretton 7 to 9pm. For further information please contact on 812184

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Last updated: 26 January 2014